Easy Sudoku Solver (Basic) by Rudi
-= Easy sudoku solver =- The algorithms are self made using my own techniques when i solve sudoku puzzles from magazines and so on (which happens rarely). The depth of the analysis is set to 4. so if the sudoku is not completely solved after completion you can try running it again by pressing F5. There is no guarantee that the sudoku board will be completely solved by this program, but you can partially solve any board if you like. It is meant for easy boards. Time it takes depends on how complex the puzzle is, but commonly it will take a few minutes for the search to finish. During the iterations you can see a percentage of how much of the sudoku puzzle has been solved. Wether or not it will reach 100% depends on the complexity of the puzzle. Input: - Use joystick in port 2 or arrow keys to move the cursor around - Press keys 1 to 9 to insert number into selected square. - F1 - help screen and credits - F2 - example sudokus - F4 - clear board - F5 - attempt to solve puzzle This program was coded in a couple of days. There are 205 lines of basic code. Thanks and enjoy. - Rudi SUSOLVER.BAS 0 rem poke808,234:rem deactivat runstop key 1 c1= 1:c2= 1:rem 7 2 bo=0:max=3 5 rem 80 - draw frame 6 rem 200 - input from joy and keys 7 rem 300 - display array 8 rem 360 - draw grid 9 rem 400 - read data into array 10 rem 500 - solve sudoku 11 rem 700 - help screen 12 rem 850 - clear board 15 poke53280,0:poke53281,0 20 printchr$(5):rem textcolor:rem poke646,1 30 printchr$(147);:rem clear screen 40 rem print"{swlc}";:rem upper&lowercase 52 printtab(8)"{gry1}{CBM-V}{lgrn}{CBM-B}{grn}{CBM-D}{lgrn}{CBM-B}{CBM-F}{wht}{CBM-B}{lgrn}{CBM-F}{CBM-B}{CBM-C}{grn}{CBM-B}{CBM-D}{gry1}{CBM-F}{grn}{CBM-C}{lgrn}{CBM-B}{wht}{CBM-D}{lgrn}{CBM-B}{grn}{CBM-F}{CBM-B}{gry1}{CBM-C}{grn}{CBM-B}{lgrn}{CBM-D}{gry1}{CBM-C}" 56 printtab(8)"{grn}{CBM-D} {CBM-C}" 60 printtab(8)"{lgrn}{CBM-V} {wht}easy sudoku solver {grn}{CBM-B}" 62 rem printtab(8)"{lgrn}{CBM-V} {wht}EasY sUdOkU sOLvER {grn}{CBM-B}" 65 printtab(8)"{lgrn}{CBM-B} {gry1}{CBM-D}" 66 printtab(8)"{gry1}{CBM-F}{grn}{CBM-B}{lgrn}{CBM-C}{wht}{CBM-D}{lgrn}{CBM-V}{grn}{CBM-B}{gry1}{CBM-D}{grn}{CBM-C}{lgrn}{CBM-V}{CBM-C}{wht}{CBM-F}{lgrn}{CBM-F}{grn}{CBM-C}{CBM-B}{lgrn}{CBM-D}{grn}{CBM-B}{lgrn}{CBM-B}{wht}{CBM-V}{lgrn}{CBM-B}{CBM-F}{CBM-B}{grn}{CBM-D}" 67 print:printtab(8)"{gry2}initializing..." 68 dimb(8,8):dimt(8,8):dime(8) 69 e(0)=0:e(1)=1:e(2)=2:e(3)=4:e(4)=5:e(5)=6:e(6)=8:e(7)=9:e(8)=10 70 printtab(8)"{up} " 71 poke781,23:poke782,0:sys65520 72 print" {rvon}{yel}f1{lblu} help {yel}f2{lblu} example {yel}f4{lblu} clear {yel}f5{lblu} solve " 77 gosub80:gosub360 78 gosub200: gosub500 79 goto78 80 rem *** draw frame *** 90 poke781,6:poke782,0:sys65520:rem cursor position 95 remprint"{up}{up}" 100 printtab(13)"{wht}{CBM-D}{gry3}{CBM-I}{lred}{CBM-I}{gry2}{CBM-I}{orng}{CBM-I}{gry1}{CBM-I}{brn}{CBM-I}{gry1}{CBM-I}{orng}{CBM-I}{gry2}{CBM-I}{lred}{CBM-I}{gry3}{CBM-I}{wht}{CBM-F}" 101 printtab(13)"{gry3}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {gry3} {wht} {gry3} {wht} {gry3}{CBM-K}" 102 printtab(13)"{lred}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {lred} {wht} {lred} {wht} {lred}{CBM-K}" 103 printtab(13)"{gry2}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {gry2} {wht} {gry2} {wht} {gry2}{CBM-K}" 104 printtab(13)"{orng}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof} {orng}{CBM-K}" 105 printtab(13)"{gry1}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {gry1} {wht} {gry1} {wht} {gry1}{CBM-K}" 106 printtab(13)"{brn}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {brn} {wht} {brn} {wht} {brn}{CBM-K}" 107 printtab(13)"{gry1}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {gry1} {wht} {gry1} {wht} {gry1}{CBM-K}" 108 printtab(13)"{orng}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof} {orng}{CBM-K}" 109 printtab(13)"{gry2}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {gry2} {wht} {gry2} {wht} {gry2}{CBM-K}" 110 printtab(13)"{lred}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {lred} {wht} {lred} {wht} {lred}{CBM-K}" 111 printtab(13)"{gry3}{rvon}{CBM-K}{rvof}{wht} {gry3} {wht} {gry3} {wht} {gry3}{CBM-K}" 120 printtab(13)"{wht}{CBM-C}{rvon}{gry3}{CBM-I}{lred}{CBM-I}{gry2}{CBM-I}{orng}{CBM-I}{gry1}{CBM-I}{brn}{CBM-I}{gry1}{CBM-I}{orng}{CBM-I}{gry2}{CBM-I}{lred}{CBM-I}{gry3}{CBM-I}{rvof}{wht}{CBM-V}" 125 print"{wht}" 130 return 200 rem *** input from joy and keys *** 205 x=0:y=0:k=0:k$="" 212 poke1318+a,peek(1318+a)or128:getk$:j=peek(56320):f=jand16:j=15-(jand15) 213 ifk$=""andj<>4andj<>8andj<>1andj<>2then212 214 ifk$=chr$(135)thenreturn 215 ifk$=chr$(32)thenb(x,y)=0:poke1318+a,32 216 ifk$=chr$(133)thengosub700 218 ifk$=chr$(137)thengosub400:gosub500 219 ifk$=chr$(138)thengosub850 220 v=asc(k$) 227 ifj=8orv=29thenx=x+1 228 ifj=4orv=157thenx=x-1 229 ifj=2orv=17theny=y+1 230 ifj=1orv=145theny=y-1 231 ifx>8thenx=8 232 ifx<0thenx=0 233 ify>8theny=8 234 ify<0theny=0 235 poke1318+a,peek(1318+a)and127 240 k=0:ifk$<>""thenk=asc(k$) 245 a=e(x)+e(y)*40:ifk>48andk<58thenpoke1318+a,k:b(x,y)=k-48 250 goto212 255 rem input 260 return 300 rem *** display array *** 310 j=0:fory=0to8:i=0:forx=0to8 322 ch=b(x,y):col=c1 324 ifch=0thench=48:col=c2 326 addr=i+14+(j+7)*40 328 poke55296+addr,col 330 poke1024+addr,48+ch 340 i=i+1:ifi=3ori=7theni=i+1 345 next 355 j=j+1:ifj=3orj=7thenj=j+1 357 next 359 return 360 rem *** draw grid *** 365 rempoke781,7:poke782,4:sys65520:rem cursor position 370 fori=0to10:poke1321+i*40,66:poke1325+i*40,66:poke1438+i,67:poke1598+i,67:next 375 poke1441,91:poke1445,91:poke1601,91:poke1605,91:poke55710,15:poke55711,10:poke55712,12 380 poke55714,11:poke55715,9:poke55716,11:poke55718,12:poke55719,10:poke55720,15:poke55870,15 390 poke55871,10:poke55872,12:poke55874,11:poke55875,9:poke55876,11:poke55878,12:poke55879,10 395 poke55880,15:return 400 rem *** read data into array *** 401 restore:readh:l=peek(65)-3:h=peek(66):restore:rem size=180 402 s=l+h*256:p=s+186*bo:poke65,pand255:poke66,int(p/256):rem dataline 404 fory=0to8:forx=0to8:readb(x,y) 405 next:next 406 bo=bo+1:m=bo-(int(bo/max)*max):bo=m 407 gosub300:rem display array 408 return 410 printl;" "h;" ("l;")" 415 printpeek(65);" ";peek(66) 420 end 500 rem *** solve sudoku *** 501 rem z=323 502 z=0:ti$="000000" 504 poke781,20:poke782,0:sys65520 505 printtab(9)" " 506 poke781,20:poke782,0:sys65520 507 printtab(9)"solving sudoku..." 510 fora=0to4:forn=1to9:t(0,0)=b(0,0):t(0,1)=b(0,1):t(0,2)=b(0,2):t(0,3)=b(0,3) 511 t(0,4)=b(0,4):t(0,5)=b(0,5):t(0,6)=b(0,6):t(0,7)=b(0,7):t(0,8)=b(0,8) 512 t(1,0)=b(1,0):t(1,1)=b(1,1):t(1,2)=b(1,2):t(1,3)=b(1,3):t(1,4)=b(1,4) 513 t(1,5)=b(1,5):t(1,6)=b(1,6):t(1,7)=b(1,7):t(1,8)=b(1,8):t(2,0)=b(2,0) 514 t(2,1)=b(2,1):t(2,2)=b(2,2):t(2,3)=b(2,3):t(2,4)=b(2,4):t(2,5)=b(2,5) 515 t(2,6)=b(2,6):t(2,7)=b(2,7):t(2,8)=b(2,8):t(3,0)=b(3,0):t(3,1)=b(3,1) 516 t(3,2)=b(3,2):t(3,3)=b(3,3):t(3,4)=b(3,4):t(3,5)=b(3,5):t(3,6)=b(3,6) 517 t(3,7)=b(3,7):t(3,8)=b(3,8):t(4,0)=b(4,0):t(4,1)=b(4,1):t(4,2)=b(4,2) 518 t(4,3)=b(4,3):t(4,4)=b(4,4):t(4,5)=b(4,5):t(4,6)=b(4,6):t(4,7)=b(4,7) 519 t(4,8)=b(4,8):t(5,0)=b(5,0):t(5,1)=b(5,1):t(5,2)=b(5,2):t(5,3)=b(5,3) 520 t(5,4)=b(5,4):t(5,5)=b(5,5):t(5,6)=b(5,6):t(5,7)=b(5,7):t(5,8)=b(5,8) 521 t(6,0)=b(6,0):t(6,1)=b(6,1):t(6,2)=b(6,2):t(6,3)=b(6,3):t(6,4)=b(6,4) 522 t(6,5)=b(6,5):t(6,6)=b(6,6):t(6,7)=b(6,7):t(6,8)=b(6,8):t(7,0)=b(7,0) 523 t(7,1)=b(7,1):t(7,2)=b(7,2):t(7,3)=b(7,3):t(7,4)=b(7,4):t(7,5)=b(7,5) 524 t(7,6)=b(7,6):t(7,7)=b(7,7):t(7,8)=b(7,8):t(8,0)=b(8,0):t(8,1)=b(8,1) 525 t(8,2)=b(8,2):t(8,3)=b(8,3):t(8,4)=b(8,4):t(8,5)=b(8,5):t(8,6)=b(8,6) 526 t(8,7)=b(8,7):t(8,8)=b(8,8) 528 fory=0to8:forx=0to8:ifb(x,y)<>nthen540 530 t(x,0)=n:t(0,y)=n:t(x,1)=n:t(1,y)=n:t(x,2)=n:t(2,y)=n:t(x,3)=n:t(3,y)=n 535 t(x,4)=n:t(4,y)=n:t(x,5)=n:t(5,y)=n:t(x,6)=n:t(6,y)=n:t(x,7)=n:t(7,y)=n 538 t(x,8)=n:t(8,y)=n 540 next:next 542 o=0:forx=0to8:fory=0to8:if(b(x,y)<>0)theno=o+1 544 nexty:nextx 550 forq=0to2:s=3*q:forp=0to2:r=3*p:fory=0to2:forx=0to2:ifb(r+x,s+y)<>nthen570 560 t(r,s)=n:t(r+1,s)=n:t(r+2,s)=n:t(r,s+1)=n:t(r+1,s+1)=n:t(r+2,s+1)=n 562 t(r,s+2)=n:t(r+1,s+2)=n:t(r+2,s+2)=n 565 goto580 570 next:next 580 next:next 590 fori=0to8:u=0:v=0:forj=0to8:ift(j,i)=0thenu=u+1:w=j 595 ift(i,j)=0thenv=v+1:d=j 596 next:ifu=1thenb(w,i)=n 597 ifv=1thenb(i,d)=n:rem323:125%:int(z*100/400) 598 printtab(26)"{up}";int(o/81*100);"{left} %":z=z+1:ifo>80thengoto610 599 next:nextn:next 600 printtab(10)"{up}{left} " 610 gosub300:rem display array 615 return 620 printti;" "ti$ 640 end 700 rem *** help screen *** 710 poke781,6:poke782,0:sys65520 712 print"sudoku is a game of logic. the task is" 713 print"to fill in the blanks with numbers from" 714 print"1 to 9 and a square in a row has to be" 715 print"an unique number, same with columns.":print 716 print"use the arrow keys or joystick in port" 717 print"2 to move the cursor around the board." 718 print"press any numerical key 1-9 to insert" 719 print"it at the specified cursor location." 720 print 722 print"this program is not a game of sudoku" 724 print"but a sudoku solver. it solves easy" 726 print"and some medium level boards. press f5" 728 print"to start analyzing and solving." 730 print:print"this was coded by rudi in nov/des 2019." 750 getk$:ifk$=""then750 783 poke781,5:poke782,0:sys65520 785 fori=0to16:print" ":nexti 788 poke781,6:poke782,0:sys65520 790 gosub80: gosub360 799 return 800 print chr$(147) 810 getks$:ifks$=""goto810 820 print"ascii code{$a0}is "asc(ks$) 830 goto 810 850 rem *** clear board *** 855 fory=0to8:forx=0to8:b(x,y)=0:next:next:gosub300 860 return 900 print chr$(147) 910 getk$:ifk$=""goto910 912 ifasc(k$)<49 or asc(k$)>57 goto 910 920 k%=val(k$):printk% 930 goto910 1000 data 0,8,0,9,3,6,0,0,0, 7,2,5,0,0,0,0,6,0, 0,0,6,0,0,0,4,1,8 1001 data 0,0,0,6,0,7,1,8,0, 2,6,0,3,0,0,0,4,5, 8,3,0,4,0,9,0,0,0 1002 data 0,5,3,0,9,1,0,0,6, 9,0,8,0,0,5,7,0,4, 0,0,0,0,4,0,5,0,1 1004 data 0,0,8,6,0,1,0,0,0, 3,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0, 1,0,9,0,0,0,4,6,0 1005 data 7,4,0,8,5,0,3,0,0, 0,0,3,0,0,0,5,0,0, 0,0,2,0,6,3,0,1,8 1006 data 0,9,6,0,0,0,1,0,3, 0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,5, 0,0,0,9,0,4,6,0,0 1008 data 0,0,0,8,0,3,0,0,1, 0,8,3,2,0,4,0,0,7, 0,7,0,0,9,0,0,0,0 1009 data 0,0,1,0,0,2,0,6,8, 0,6,2,0,4,0,1,7,0, 7,3,0,6,0,0,4,0,0 1010 data 0,0,0,0,6,0,0,1,0, 9,0,0,3,0,1,5,2,0, 3,0,0,4,0,5,0,0,0 2000 rem *** joystick test *** 2010 printchr$(147) 2020 jv=peek(56320) 2030 fr=jvand16 2040 jv=15-(jvand15) 2050 print" ";jv 2060 goto2020 2900 end 8000 rem ****************************** 8002 rem * programmed by rudi * 8004 rem * nov/des. 2019 * 8006 rem ******************************
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