
formulars of narf by TAP [web]

                                                  - + - 
                               _____    .    ___(  o,+ _)__
                           ___(______   :   (_        (____)
                         _(     .   (  _|_        .     (___)____
                        (_(     :  (__(o,o)___    :       _______)
                         (__   _|__  ('___')    __|_    _(___
                           (__/_o,o___(________/o.o \__(_____)_ 
 _)                                                                        (_
 \\   formulars of narf - party version (aka maximum incoherence, part 1)  //
  (:                                                                      :)
  (:  ("those tap guys are incredible, sucky demos AND stupid titles...") :)
  (:                                                                      :)
  (:  code(!?), music(?!), graphics(!?!) by tomaes(!!!111)                :)
  (:  oh, and the ascii art too. ;)                                       :)
  (:                                                                      :)
  (:  once again, it's just some random creativity weirdness. the kind    :)
  (:  of a colourful mess that'll never ever win a party compo. ;)        :) 
  (:                                                                      :)
  (:  required:                                                           :)
  (:  windows (should work on 98/ME/2k/XP...)                             :)
  (:  directx 8                                                           :)
  (:  35o mhz cpu (more is recommended)                                   :)
  (:  a good(!) gforce class graphics card with decent drivers            :)
  (:  some free hd space (4 mb...)                                        :)
  (:                                                                      :)
  (:  contact:                                                            :)
  (:  [email protected]                                                     :)
  (:  www.chscene.ch/tap                                                  :)
  (:  www.chscene.ch/tap/tomaes                                           :)
  _)                                                                      (_
  \\  "weltherrschaft fuer alle"                                          //