
Spiceless by Astroidea [web]

:: d$$$$$$  ,ssssss ssssssss sssssss, ù ,ssss,  sss ssssss,  ssssssss $$$$$$b ù:
: d$$  $$$ d$$  ..... $$$$ . $$$ ù $$$ d$$  $$b sss $$$  $$b $$$ ùùùù $$$  $$b :
: $$$ss$$$ ýSSSsss, : $$$$ : $$$sss$$  $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$sssss $$$ss$$$ :
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: $$$  $$$ d$$$$$$ý : $$$$ : $$$ : $$$ `?$$$$Pý $$$ $$$$$$Pý $$$$$$$$ $$$  $$$ :
:. ?$ :............::......:.....:....::......;............:.............. $P.::
    `                                                                      '
 :: s p i c e l e s s :: b y :: a s t r o i d e a :: f o r :: a n t i q 9 7 :::

 . % . . . % . . % .     code   . tsc genesis reptile mrz . % . . % . . . % .
  .%. . . .%. . .% .    music   .            tsc          . %. . .%. . . .%. .
 . % . . . % . . % .   graphics .       rendall beast     . % . . % . . . % .
  .%. . . .%. . .% .   textures .         tsc o-man       . %. . .%. . . .%. .

 ::::::::::::::::: h a r d w a r e :: r e q u i r e m e n t s :::::::::::::::::

 pentium 100 % 16 megabytes of ram % fast videocard % sound blaster or gus 1mb

 ::::::::::::::::: s o m e :: w o r d s :: o f :: w i s d o m :::::::::::::::::

 this demo  took us five  full days to create - no big deal.  anyways, our next
 demo will be released at the party ninetyseven at denmark. there  we will show
 what we can do.

 you may have already noticed, that we really don't care about people with slow
 computers. you're right. look,  we  can't optimize too much when we don't have
 enough time... and usually we don't have... moreover,  all  of us have pentium
 processors in this poor country (i mean at least p133), so i think you can buy
 it too. if you still have doubts about our coding abilities ;) then write your
 opinion in a letter and address it to [email protected]

 the demo was made at the astroidea whq (tm) - thanks to paladine for the place
 hellos to the people who were actually present at the whq: kriszta, periwinkle
 reptile, mrz, rene, o-man, tdmr, genesis, tsc...

 actually there are no hidden parts in the demo -not! ;) katasztr¢fa by genesis

 ::::::::::::::::::::::::: c o d e r s :: i n f o ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 the demo internally runs in 24 bit truecolor, except some parts which you will
 notice easily.  the demo uses linear framebuffer and univbe if available.  the
 optimal  palette mode is a  fail-safe mode which you would never use except if
 you have only 64k graphics memory ;) , this  mode uses a fixed  optimalpalette
 like windows does in  256 color  modes, so no long  precalculations are needed
 for each scene. the vectorsystem is a full featured 3ds player but in this de-
 mo we didn't use it too much...

 signed by tsc / astroidea