$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$P"^ '":, $" . .$P $$ ,o?, $$ ""' $bd$b, $: $ ,o?, $$ :db, $bd$b, ,$^ :$' ?$ $$ $P "$, ' $, $P ,$^ :$' ?$ ,P' '$, $P "$, .$' :$ :$ $$ .$: $: $$, $: .$' :$ :$ ,$ $$ .$: $: d$ d? ,$. $? ,$, ,$' $$$b:$ d$ d? ,$. d: .$$ ,$, ,$' $$, . $$$$$$: $: :$ "' :$: $$$, $$, . $$$$$$: $b d$P :$ "' ?$b,,$$':$: $b $: d$ d$ "?b ?$b,,$$':$: $b '$$$$$$' d$ "?$$P' d$ $$, ,$$ ,$$ " "?$$P' d$ $$, '?$P" ,$$ "" "" (P) $oood$ : :::[ Chipmusic For Your Enjoyment ]::: : $$$$$$ $$$$$$,. $$$P" $$$: THE COMPOSERS : Vincenzo & nula $$$b, $$$$$$?oo,.. $$$$$$,. $$$P" $$$: THE GRAPHICIAN : Zoom / Inquisition $$$b, $$$$$$?oo,.. $$$$$$,. $$$P" $$$: THE CODER : Gargaj / Ümlaüt Design $$$b, $$$$$$?oo,.. . $b,. $$$$$$ ?$boo $$$$$b. $$ $$$$$$ '$ "? .$ "?$$P $P $$$$$$ ?, :P $' .,o $: $$$$$$ ;: $: :$ ?$P"" $: $$$$$$ 'b ,obo,$ $: '$ $ $$$$$$,. ,. $:?$$$$? ,, :$ '$ ,d$o,$ $$$P" d$$b$: "?"' d$$$$: ?, $$$$$: $$$: THE PLAYLIST : ?$$$$? "?$$P $, "??" $$$b, "" ,oo,$ $$$$$$?oo,.. d$$$$$' $$$$$$ '?$$?' $$$$$$ -= VINCENZO =- $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Domino Dancing / Remix of PetShopBoys's famous song. $$$$$$ Released at BigChipCompo#4 remix compo. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Dinka / A little improvisation. Don't listen it :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Etra 2 / Etra 2. Tribute to Moby. Try to read the $$$$$$ title from behind :) $$$$$$ Made exclusively for Cornercut and released $$$$$$ at TZM chipman compo. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Flowers 2 / I used Gameboy samples in this tune. $$$$$$ Later added dnb drums to speed up the music. $$$$$$ Made exclusively for Cornercut. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: U can't touch / This is a remix of Mc Hammer's popular song. $$$$$$ this $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Headache / Strange but lovely song. Don't try to $$$$$$ understand me :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Killer clone / I tried to make a hard & heavy tune with a $$$$$$ lot of apreggios. The result is not what $$$$$$ I want, but who cares? It sounds nice :P $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Klang / 3947bytes 3 channels tune for BigChipCompo#4 $$$$$$ 4k compo. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Memories / "Galwayistic" or "Hubbardistic" retro tune. $$$$$$ Try to listen it 3 times... $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Pause / I used nula's samples in this music. $$$$$$ He is a really cool man and I think I'll $$$$$$ dedicate this tune for him :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Proximity / This is my oldest tune in this musicdisk. $$$$$$ I used Proxium's samplegenerator for making $$$$$$ samples and this music was used as "example" $$$$$$ tune for that samplegenerator program. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Rainy day / Sadly, sadly september... Just rainin' and $$$$$$ rainin'... Just listen it... $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Shorty / As the title says, this is a short tune. $$$$$$ I hadn't too much inspiration to finish it $$$$$$ correctly... $$$$$$ Made exclusively for Cornercut. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Good morning / Inspirated by Boo and a girl, who is soooo $$$$$$ my sweetie important for me. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Untitled / Yeah, really untitled tune b-coz I haven't $$$$$$ got any idea to name the music... $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Wuerfel / Originally this was a .mod tune, composed $$$$$$ for a 64k intro on Amiga. $$$$$$ Later I converted to .it and released at $$$$$$ BigChipCompo#4 32k compo. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Zero / Not a typical chiptune, but it is under 5okb. $$$$$$ Originally tracked for a 64k intro but not $$$$$$ released yet. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ -= NULA =- $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: 5717 / This newschoolish music was composed for a $$$$$$ 64k intro... $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Bring it all back / A silly remix of Sclub 7's famous song :) $$$$$$ Contains handdrawn samples (except drums :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Brainstorming / An oldschool module composed especially for $$$$$$ big chipcompo#4. It's not chiptune at all... $$$$$$ but who cares... :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Beery2 / A little 4k tune... not as good as beery1 $$$$$$ imho but still listenable :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: B'n'sesovs / An introtune. It's too short maybe =) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Borntro / This is slow and melancholic tune... made $$$$$$ for those who want to relax sometimes =) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Difficult life / Music composed for a diskmag. Unfortunately $$$$$$ i don't remember it's name... never mind :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Sparapaaczci / This is my favorite :D It's my oldest $$$$$$ module there... sounds like real c64 :D $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Monty on the run / A remix of an old c64 music... $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Macgywer / Macgywer theme chip cover $$$$$$ I just wanna be like him :) $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Gathering / This music was originally made by $$$$$$ Dr. Awesome, remixed by me... $$$$$$ $$$$$$ :: Caribbean blue / Little 4k module, remake of Enya's $$$$$$ caribbean blue... i didn't have idea how to $$$$$$ call that module so i called it $$$$$$ caribbean blue...quite stupid, isn't it? :P ?$$$$$. :$$$$$b, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bo, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o '"?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o '"?$$$$$$ '$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ .,$$$$$$ "?$$$ THE INFO : :$$$ ,d$$$ Vincenzo asked nula: ..,ood$$$$$$ - Wanna make a chipmusicidsk together? $$$$$$ Nula said: $$$$$$ - Yeah! $$$$$$ And here is the result. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ .,$$$$$$ "?$$$ THE GREETINGS : :$$$ ,d$$$ -= NULA =- ..,ood$$$$$$ $$$$$$ Raist - The best graphician in the world :D $$$$$$ Bomber - Hello leader!!! $$$$$$ Santik - Great (chip)tunes, friend! $$$$$$ GameOver - Oldschool! $$$$$$ Jezeq - The best fpc coder :) $$$$$$ Carlos - I greet all local sceners!!! $$$$$$ Headache - Let's go skiing! $$$$$$ Lesnik - Hello Poland!!! $$$$$$ $$$$$$ -= VINCENZO =- $$$$$$ $$$$$$ BoyC - I hope You can overtake yourself :) $$$$$$ Gargaj - SIDtune rulezz & Umlaut Design rocks! $$$$$$ ChaINQ - Burn your Amiga :) $$$$$$ Inno_inq - Just a big big HELLO to You :) $$$$$$ Zoom - Fernseher rajzol jool $$$$$$ Hoyo - Friend in every time $$$$$$ Gry - Lil' Brotha' $$$$$$ Kamo - Hello my friend! $$$$$$ Poison & Leon - Get real get high C64 will never die! $$$$$$ Vil - The only "Reason" is to compose musics :) $$$$$$ Molecoola & Inquisition - Hello teammates! $$$$$$ Aries & Leaderc - We'll drink together in the future :) $$$$$$ SET - The international team $$$$$$ DjKor & Cornercut - Nice artpack dudes! $$$$$$ Blala - Oldskool coder & szeszteso :) $$$$$$ .,$$$$$$ "?$$$ THE RESPECT : :$$$ ,d$$$ ..,ood$$$$$$ Astral - Greenroom - Exceed - DigitalDyanmite $$$$$$ UmlautDesign - Fresh - RG42 - BlackRainbow - Resource $$$$$$ Singular - Chrysalis - Mandula - Astroidea - Coolphat $$$$$$ Inquisition - ChronomatikTushis - Cornercut - Breeze $$$$$$ UnitedForce - Byteam - Dilemma - Molecoola - Marshals $$$$$$ Unique - Mooncast - Broncs - tb2 - Ukonx - Tpolm $$$$$$ .,$$$$$$ "?$$$ THE CONTACT : :$$$ ,d$$$ ..,ood$$$$$$ If You need a music for your production, then contact us. $$$$$$ If You have any comments feel free to write us too. $$$$$$ $$$$$$ emails: $$$$$$ (nula) [email protected] $$$$$$ (guesswho) [email protected] $$$$$$ $$$$$$ web: $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ .,$$$$$$ "?$$$ THE END : :$$$ ,d$$$ signed 2oo2.11.14. ..,ood$$$$$$ $$$$$$ Vincenzo & nula Cooperation Factory $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$
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