
industrial times by Kuemmel [web]

XXX 'industrial times' =>                              XXX
XXX                                                    XXX
XXX   a 256 byte intro by Kuemmel for Revision 2019    XXX
X                                                        X
X  Inspired by...                                        X
X  ...coal & steel industry in Germany, especially in    X
X     the regions known as 'Ruhrgebiet' and 'Saarland'   X
X  ...Charlie Chaplin's movie 'Modern times' (1936)      X
X  ...Henry Ford's first assembly line (1913)            X
X                                                        X
X  - runs on DOSBox...cycles should be set to 80000      X
X  - uses COVOX sound - turn on your speakers !          X
X  - assembles with Flat Assembler                       X
X  - additional credits:                                 X
X    * Randomizer algo borrowed from HellMood's TV noise X
X    * Bytebeat inspired from the pouet-thread           X
X      http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=8357&page=1  X
X      'Experimental music from very short C programs'   X
X                                                        X
X  Cheers,                                               X
X                                                        X
X      Kuemmel                                           X
X                                                        X
X  Greetings to HellMood, Sensenstahl, Gentlemen, T$,    X
X  Bartman, Andy, Hardy, Gargaj, TomCatAbaddon, Rrrola,  X
X  Harekiet, Britelite and all the tiny intro coders !   X
X                                                        X
X                                                        X
X   /#                                            /#     X
X   /#                                            /#     X
X   /# ./# /#  /#  /###  /####### /#######  /###. /#	 X
X   /#./#  /#  /# /#  /# /# /# /# /# /# /# /#  /# /#	 X
X   /#/#   /#  /# /# /#  /# /# /# /# /# /# /# /#  /#.	 X
X   /# /#   /###   /#	 /# /# /# /# /# /#  /#	  /###	 X
X       /#          /#                       /#          X
X        /#          /#                       /#         X
X                                                        X
X        e-mail: [email protected]           X
X        web...: www.mikusite.de                         X
X                                                        X