when will you rage by kolor [web]
when will you rage text mode demo compo ][ entry by shiva^kolor hiho folks! it's a spontanous little effort demo (518 lines of c++ code), but i hope you enjoy it anway. i thought that punk style would fit the noise generated by the 100% textmode rule best. this rule stated that you may not use anything but interupt setup for max. 80x50 resolution without palette changes. well i cheated a tiny little bit by setting 8 pixel wide chars, but you can turn this off by starting the demo with the /strict switch. some more tech details, before we get to the nasty stuff: it runs at a virtual resolution of 80x50x15bit and is then displayed with table lookups in textmode. you can quit anytime with [esc]. the demo should be timed perfectly on any system. all effects run with barely visible five frames motionblur. the raytracer does not interpolate anything. one ray/char (planes, tube, sphere). sound is gus only and it does not run under win95. harhar. so. and now a turn for the worse... this whole demo is quite unauthorized. first, i was unable to get either the email adress of cybelius, nor did i catch him on irc. but i wanted punk music so bad, i simply used timeless.s3m from his great musicdisk 3rd_punk without permission. i hope you don't mind to much. at least dune told me you wouldn't. then i used the great tinyxm player by pascal. again, i hope you don't mind too much. and finally, no ansi artist was willing to paint such a lot of pictures, so i simply had them scanned from rage(tm) trading cards by white wolf. thnx for scanning jump to siriuz^kolor. at least, the code is 100% by me and nobody else. some greeting in random order jump to: climax, cobalt, drice, lure, hdf, magic, assign, red13, submissive, pascal, dune, frenetic, and hey this time i really mean it: everybody i forgot. shiva contact via siriuz: [email protected] contact via snail: sebastian marketsmller pilgramsberg 10 94372 rattiszell germany contact via expensive phone: +49-9964-755 contact on irc: #coders, #coders.ger
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