Projektbeschreibung by Desire [web]
program Projektbeschreibung; { 4k elite r0xxorz in your face!!!!!!!!!!!!11 virgill: this is how a 4k can look liek too } var textcol:byte; textbcol:byte; textcorx,textcory:byte; function projektbezeichnung_keypressed:boolean; var a:byte; begin asm mov ah,01 int 16h jz @nix jmp @was @nix: mov a,0 jmp @ende @was: mov a,1 @ende: end; if a=0 then projektbezeichnung_keypressed:=false else projektbezeichnung_keypressed:=true; end; procedure projektbezeichnung_textcolor(c:byte); begin textcol:=c; end; procedure projektbezeichnung_textbackground(c:byte); begin textbcol:=c; end; procedure projektbezeichnung_gotoxy(x,y:byte); begin textcorx:=x; textcory:=y; end; procedure projektbezeichnung_start_stuff; begin asm mov al,03h int 10h end; projektbezeichnung_textcolor(7); projektbezeichnung_textbackground(0); projektbezeichnung_gotoxy(1,1); end; {## illegal text on the screen ##} procedure projektbezeichnung_clrscr; var counter:integer; begin for counter:=0 to 1999 do mem[$B800:(counter*2)]:=032; for counter:=0 to 1999 do mem[$B800:(counter*2+1)]:=textcol+textbcol*16; textcorx:=1; textcory:=1; end; {private tweeny weeny string bikini} procedure private_write(text:string); var a:integer; b:char; c,d:byte; label 0; begin if text='' then begin inc(textcorx); goto 0; end; if textbcol>7 then textbcol:=7; if (textcorx<=80)and(textcorx>=0)and (textcory<=25)and(textcory>=0)then begin c:=0; d:=0; if textcorx>=1 then begin textcorx:=textcorx-1; c:=1; end; if textcory>=1 then begin textcory:=textcory-1; d:=1; end; for a:=1 to length(text)do begin begin if (textcorx<=80)and(textcory<=25)then begin b:=text[a]; mem[$B800:((textcorx*2)+textcory*160)]:=ord(b); mem[$B800:((textcorx*2)+textcory*160)+1]:=textcol+textbcol*16; end; textcorx:=textcorx+1; end; end; end; if c=1 then inc(textcorx); if d=1 then inc(textcory); 0: end; {too private for your neighbour} procedure private_writeln(text:string); begin private_write(text); textcorx:=1; inc(textcory); end; {magic section. drop it to the screen. like it's hot.} begin projektbezeichnung_start_stuff; projektbezeichnung_clrscr; private_writeln(''); projektbezeichnung_textcolor(10); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//.'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//. *//.'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//. *//. *//.'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//. *//. *//.'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' \\\\\\\\\\ *//. *//. *//. \\\\\\\\\\'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' ---------- *//. *//. *//. *//. *//. ----------'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' \\\\\\\\\\ *//. *//. *//. *//.*//. \\\\\\\\\\'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//. *//. *//. *//.'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//. *//.'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//. *//.'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' *//.'); projektbezeichnung_textcolor(15); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' presents'); private_writeln(''); private_write(' '); private_write(' '); projektbezeichnung_textcolor(11+128); projektbezeichnung_textbackground(1); private_writeln(' P R O J E K T B E S C H R E I B U N G '); projektbezeichnung_textbackground(0); projektbezeichnung_textcolor(15); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' a 32 byte intro by hellmood'); projektbezeichnung_textcolor(14); private_writeln(''); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' greets: homecoded, rrrola,frag, viler'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' T$, Optimus, Trixter, igor, gentleman'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' Whizart,g0blinish, Rudi, ryg, wysiwtf'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' Orby a.k.a. orbitaldecay,Kuemmel, p01'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' Lara, Oscar Toledo, Drift, maugli'); private_write(' '); private_writeln(' Harekiet, sen + all DESiRE members'); projektbezeichnung_textcolor(1); private_writeln(''); private_write('now please whack a key ... '); {4096} repeat until projektbezeichnung_keypressed end. { nfo + logo by sensenstahl __________________________________________________________________ sensenstahl here: after reading "projektbeschreibung" again at the oneliner at pouet i hit up hellmood telling him he should name his prod that way.then i came up with the silly idea to have an nfo as source code to be even more like ....... projektbeschreibung. good thing adok has no copyright for projektbeschreibung. i hope. and what about projektbezeichnung? anyway,firing up turbo pascal after like an eternity was rediculous. especially on win7 under dosbox. but i found the stuff i needed in my old archives so everyone can compile this thing without the need for external units like the fucking crt.tpu. sure qbasic would have been even funnier but i am not THAT silly ;) hellmood on the keys: i recently went on my mission of decent 64b entries - animated ones. while at it i thought: wait, what if it's possible to create some 3D impression in 32 bytes? I remembered an intro called "bytevegas" from sensenstahl, where some decent depth perception was done in 32 bytes. I thought about keeping some rect based structure like this,but make it more look like my own "lucy" or digiminds "follow the light", just in 32 bytes instead of 64 ;) After further research i found rrrolas "paralax", a really awesome 32 byte production showing triangles with a top fake 3D perception just that the colors were a bit weird , and the paralax effect was inverted, front to back. After some hours per some days, finally i was able to achieve the design goal,a clean looking paralax effect with correct colors, no artifacts, correct depth, showing rects in the fashion of the recent checkerboard challenge,and as compatible as possible with every DOS system out there,not relying on the old "les [bx],bx", but also not ESCapable :(( There is a bonus version included, that has ESC support,but it will not work on every MSDOS From the first version on , i was showing my progress to my friend sensenstahl , because he is THE guy when it comes to putting style into a tiny intro.Besides the design coaching,he also came up with the idea of doing the long overdue "Projektbeschreibung" demo with that crazy executable pascal based NFO ^^ Special thanks go to the Altair member KK , which gave very valueable tips on which version to chose from the jungle of possibilities. _____________________________________________________________.eof}
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