evoke 1997 votingdisk by Consub & Sentient Lifeforms
EVOKE-THE VOTEDISK by consub&sli Usage: Just click on the compo, then on a rank and enter the desired entry number... entry number have 3 digits, so if you like entry 3 just enter "003" Requirements: 486 (coded on p5 133) VGA-compatible GFX card ___MOUSE!___ Recommended: p5 VESA 2.0 driver supporting lowres-highcolor modes, fakemode is shit (slooow, looks ugly, ...) Soundcard supported by MIDAS Credits MUSIC : Hilander^CSB^SLI GFX : Kentucky^CSB FONTS : Eartoaster^CSB CODE : Eartoaster^CSB MODPLAYER : MIDAS Contacts : [email protected] Greets: the kaoz staff bm fbk all the people who know us by asm86.ger demo.ger csipd ... Note: The code is rather buggy, sometimes the machine hangs, graphics is corrupted etc. If U think: "just another bmapper" look _very_ close to the screen or play a bit with the keys... signed. eartoaster aka Henning Glawe
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