
n-Play v1.0 by N-Factor

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                        ±²Û    ÛÛ ßÜß Û   ÛÜ Û Û   Û v1.0
                        °±²    ÛÛ doneúbyúnúFactor

ðððð coding by prodatron ðððð graphics by cider ðððð demotunes by lard!!! ðððð

³                         D O C U M E N T A T I O N                          ³

well, not much to say here... just, that n-Play is a fast, short and simple
player with a nice design for all the different types of sound-modules.

The main reason for releasing n-Play was to have a program which is able to
play MDLs 100% correctly (n-Play contains the original Digitrakker-player-
routines). Another reason was to have a player which can be greatly used for

How To Use:
  n-Play.EXE <module filename>
  ...to play the module.
  n-Play.EXE -pl:<listfile>
  ...to play all modules in the listfile (description see below)


LEFT    -> skip to the next songposition
RIGHT   -> skip to the previous songposition
SPACE   -> next sound/exit
ESC     -> leave the player at once
'D'     -> DOS-shell

Supported Sound-Devices:
+ Gravis Ultrasound (GUS, GUS Max, GUS Ace)
+ Soundblaster (1.0, 1.5, 2.0)
+ Soundblaster Pro
+ Soundblaster 16

Supported Musicformats:
+ MDL -> Digitrakker, old and new MoDuLes
+ MOD -> Noisetracker, Protracker, Fasttracker, Taketracker...
+ S3M -> Screamtracker 3
+ XM  -> Fasttracker 2, Digitrakker
+ DMF -> X-Tracker
+ PTM -> Polytracker
+ MTM -> Multitracker
+ 669 -> Composer 669
+ ULT -> Ultratracker
+ FAR -> Farandole Composer
+ DSM -> Dynamic Studio

How To Use Songfile Lists:
call the program with...
  n-Play.EXE -pl:<listfile>
...to let it play all modules in the songfile list.

Syntax of a songfile list:
<filename>;<real songname>(;<entry-number>)

[Also check the example in this package ("example.*")!]

If you need your own party-logo (instead of the "done by n-Factor"-script)
for your musik-competition, just contact us! ([email protected]
[cider] or [email protected] [prodatron])