
Happy New Year 2018 by Nuance [web]

      _        .o0o. DEMOMAKING SINCE 1991! .o0o.        _
     /(_____   ________ _______   _______   ________ ____)\
    /       \ /   /   //       \ /       \ /       //  __  \
   /    /   //   /   //    /   //    /   //   ____//  _____/
  /    /   //   /   //        //    /   //       //        \
 /____/___/ \______/ \___/\__//____/___//\______//\_________\
 \____\\__\/ \_____\/ \__\/\_\\___//__/ \/_____/ \/_________/

 Title:				Happy New Year 2018
 Releasedate:		31st of december 2017

 Platform:			PICO-8 @ RaspberryPi
 Code/Graphics:	 	Raven/Nuance
 Music:				Andy/Nuance
 Info:				Just a really really really really
					small intro fastly put together together
					wish you fellow demosceners a very
					happy new year and a good start into