Tedium by Oxygen [web]
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few intros, few projects, a game - nothing definite. where do i sign up? umm, don't bother.. not unless you can withstand statix's singing monitor. where should i start coding demos? from dos, type "format c: /u /autotest". ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - oxygen's members - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- handle main tasks age machine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- jedi coder,musician 17 486dx33 vlb, 4mb ram, 1mb GUS, SB 1.5 kitsune musician,graphician 17 a500, 1mb ram, wb2 statix coder,miscellaneous 16 386dx40, 4mb ram, 1mb GUS, SB 2.2 mantissa coder 20 486dx266 pci, 16mb ram, 1mb GUS trash musician 19 good question :-) ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - major releases - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- dos (electronic programmers tar): product talent description -------------------------------------------------------------------------> cyanide.zip kt/jd/stx/xc Cyanide Demo for the PC - won the 1994 C-Party cyndptch.zip stx Cyanide Patch for Lame Sound Cards starp???.zip jd/stx Starplayer - Best S3M player for the GUS yet. startro.zip jd/kt/stx BBS Loader for the Star BBS tedium.zip jd/kt/stx An intro about its title - tedium. amiga (the glorified doorstop): product talent description -------------------------------------------------------------------------> oxg-ultm.dms kt ultimate music disk... oxg-cyrx.dms kt Cyarax music disk.... drw_slrv.dms kt SleepRaving Music Disk... oxg-eoke.dms kt eOKIZEN music disk... other interesting releases: product talent description -------------------------------------------------------------------------> r-delivr.zip jd Deliverance. 2nd Placed Rookie Entry in Music Contest ][. ** kitsune also releases lots of music, way too many to list here. ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - distro/support bbs - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- australia -------------------------------------------------------------------------- absolute zero +61-9-246-11o7 whq statix dmp, inertia player, galaxy, midas, klf.. mindflux +61-2-416-2513 ehq force format trilogy nswhq, reality whq, heretics sozhq, dissonance distro.. usa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cyberoptica +1-6o2-814-81oo eushq cerulean identity senior staff, ace, broken, arctic, obv/2 beta realm of insanity +1-2o3-568-15o2 nushq god speed relic, iridium, dark us, klf, union member, nation member.. borderline reality +1-414-656-o2o5 usdist berky bc/itc/gcn/grind/rgs nets, tons of affils. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- speak to statix if you'd like to join in. ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - how to speak to oxygen - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- if you have access to the internet, a good place to start would be to mail one of us: <member>@oxygen.it.com.au, or... statix [email protected] jedi [email protected] mantissa [email protected] kitsune ua.gro.ygolohcysp.esrever@enustik trash [email protected] if you have access to a modem, another groovy way to do it is to call the world headquarters. if you have a pen, you can stick your ideas on a page destined for jedi/oxygen statix/oxygen scott mcnab kim davies 5 honeydew close 19 kincraig way maida vale wa 6057 duncraig wa 6023 australia australia kitsune/oxygen mantissa/oxygen simon bennett simon mackinlay 596 light street the coca cola kid dianella wa 6062 miles road australia kewdale wa, australia (honest ;) once we get bloodnet working, that would be a good place too :-) send your postcards, cash, cheques, gold bars, diamonds, family heirlooms etc to these addresses :) ------------------------------- -------- ----- - - in closing - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- a final word from boring people: jedi: get an internet account and watch your productivity take a downturn :) greetz to anyone who cares... statix: How tedius is this? :) Some misplaced greets to cool australian guys like Force Format, Chuck Biscuits, Black Artist, etc. And greetings to Maelcum :) ---------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----- - - o x y g e n - - ----- ------- -----------------------------------------------------------
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