
StarPlayer 2.25 by Oxygen [web]

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			       version 2.25
			   released 14th feb 1996
		   1oo% assembly coding by jedi / oxygen 
 ------------------------------- -------- ----- - - 
			   welcome to starplayer
			  - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- 

 welcome to version 2.25 of starplayer. for those who dont know, starplayer is
 a s3m/mod/mtm module player for the PC which supports the Gravis Ultrasound
 and SoundBlaster series of sound cards. unlike most other players, starplayer
 is a 32-bit protected mode multi-module player. this means it uses your 386
 or higher processor to load many modules into extended memory and then play
 any of these while taking only minimal conventional ram.

 new to version 2.24 is cd-audio support. using your cdrom drive and MSCDEX
 cdrom driver starplayer extends its background playing and track switching
 abilities to cd audio. the 'C' key in the main screen or popup menu switches
 between normal and cd audio modes. all the scroll-lock function key abilities
 have been extended to this mode, including shift key detect for single track
 play. a summary of hot-keys available in this mode:

	F1-F8 : start playing tracks 1-8 on the cd. if shift key is also held
		then only a single track is played, otherwise it defaults to
		disc play.
	   F9 : stop/resume playing current track.
	  F10 : activates the popup menu with additional commands

	  F11 : rewind current track by 10 seconds
    shift-F11 : rewind current track by 20 seconds
     ctrl-F11 : play previous track on cd
      alt-F11 : decrease cd volume, if supported by your cdrom drive

	  F12 : fastforward current track by 10 seconds
    shift-F12 : fastforward current track by 20 seconds
     ctrl-F12 : play next track on cd
      alt-F12 : increase cd volume, if supported by your cdrom drive

in addition, these keys are available in the popup menu in this mode:

	  ESC : quit menu back to program
	    C : toggle between cd-audio and normal mode
	    E : eject/close cd tray
		it is recommended that this function is always used when changing
		compact discs so starplayer knows when to load the stats from a
		new disc.

		      *** NEW! Oxygen Mailing Lists ***

 we have now set up two mailing lists where you can get all the latest oxygen
 news and starplayer releases sent straight to your mailbox:

		oxygen-list  announcements of the latest oxygen releases and
			     new starplayer releases in uuencoded format
		oxygen-talk  discussion of oxygen matters

 to subscribe send mail to   [email protected]
	    with a body of   subscribe <listname> <your name>

			i.e. subscribe oxygen-list bill gates

 ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - 
			  - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- 
 starplayer should be loaded from dos. the command line format is: 
	starplay [-?] [-options] [filespec]

 soundcard type, address, irq and dma settings are determined from either the
 ULTRASND= or BLASTER= environment variables. starplayer will first check for
 the presence of a gus and then, failing that, a soundblaster.

 NOTE: starplayer does not detect soundcards via hardware, so ensure that
 these settings are present and correct!

 the format for the soundblaster environment variable is
		A2x0 is the base address in hexadecimal
		Ix   is the irq number
		Dx   is the dma channel
		Tx   is the FM chip version (not used by starplayer)

 a typical soundblaster environment statement would thus be

 the option -d disables DMA sample dumping which may be necessary with certain
 memory managers. if noise is heard while playing, use this option or try
 removing the offending memory manager. (eg EMM386, QEMM, etc)

 other options can be listed by using the -? or -h parameters.

 ------------------------------- -------- ----- - -
 main screen:

 when you enter the module player you will be presented with a status bar
 at the top of the screen and a list of options at the bottom. the player
 version number, and active device statistics are listed at the bottom. if a
 filespec is presented on the command line, the player will attempt to load
 these modules (wildcard filespecs are permitted) and play the first loaded
 module. when playing, channel vu bars, sample, note, volume, panning and
 effect statistics are also displayed.

 most of the functuality of starplayer has been taken from this screen and
 placed in the f10 popup menu. these commands are still available at this
 screen however to maintain a level of similarity to previous versions of
 starplayer which used a command line interface:
	l <filespec> - load module(s) "filespec" into memory
		       the palette is faded while loading. starplayer will 
		       attempt to load all modiles matching the filespec 
		       into free slots. if no extension is given starplayer 
		       will also search for '.s3m' and '.mod' files which 
		       match the given filespec. 

	s            - stop module. (or F9 with scroll-lock) 
		       this will stop playing the current module. 

	d            - shell to dos (use EXIT to return) 
		       one of the most powerful features of starplayer is the 
		       ability to shell to dos with 8 modules loaded into 
		       extended ram and switch between them using hotkeys 
		       with only minimal conventional ram overhead. the 
		       hotkeys are only active when the scroll-lock key is on. 
		       this enables the f-keys to still be used normally when 
		       scroll-lock is off. the keys are listed below. 

	z            - toggle video mode. this switches the screen between
		       80*25 and 80*50. this may be necessary to view all the
		       channel vu bars on large modules.

	q / esc      - quit starplayer.

 in addition to these, the following keys are active in the player, and during
 a dos shell, when the scroll lock key is activated. 
	f1-f8     - start playing song 1-8 continuously
		    palette is faded while loading samples onto device ram. 
	shift-f?  - play song 1-8 only (looped)
	f9        - stop playing
	f10       - activate popup menu
	f11       - decrease pattern
	f12       - increase pattern 
	alt-f11   - dec. volume 
	alt-f12   - inc. volume 
	ctrl-f11  - previous song
	ctrl-f12  - next song

------------------------------- -------- ----- - -
 song selection menu: (f10, with scroll lock active)

 this popup menu provides the backbone to the new starplayer interface.
 from here it is possible to select modules to play, view sample lists, load
 and save modules and release them from device and system ram.

 in the centre of the menu a list of loaded modules and their size, number of
 channels, samples, patterns and order length are listed. white module names
 are modules which are currently loaded into device ram, while grey indicates
 that when played, samples will have to be dumped to device ram.

 the red highlight bar indicates the module which is currently being played.
 the blue highlight bar is used to select modules for various operations. this
 highlight bar can be moved using the up/down cursor keys, and with the page
 up, page down, home and end keys. the keys listed at the bottom of the screen
 provide various functions:

	space/p/enter - play the highlighted module. enter differs from space
			and p in that once the module has been started, the
			popup menu will close. by holding shift while pressing
			these keys will loop the highlighted module.
			(ie. disable continuous play). note that the screen
			will be dimmed while samples are being dumped to
			device ram. (if required)

	l             - activate the file selection menu. (see below)

	tab           - load modules by specifying a direct path and filespec.
			this allows the quick loading of multiple files
			through the use of wildcard characters.

	s             - stop playing current module. (same as f9)

	v             - view sample list of highlighted module. this lists all
			the samples of the highlighted module, with their
			titles, sizes and loop positions. up and down arrows
			can be used to scroll this list.

	f             - free samples from device ram. this removes the samples
			of the last loaded module from device ram. use this if
			output on a gus becomes corrupt.

	r             - release the last loaded module from ram. this removes
			the last loaded module from both system and device ram
			and frees up the last slot for other modules.

	w             - write highlighted module to disk. this function
			prompts for a filename and will save the highlighted
			module as a s3m file, which is a much more efficient
			file format than mod or mtm. thus, starplayer can
			function also as a mod->s3m and a mtm->s3m convertor.

	esc           - quits the popup menu, returning control to the
			foreground program.

 ------------------------------- -------- ----- - -
 file selection menu: ('l' from within the popup song selection menu)

 this menu provides a convenient means of locating and loading modules which
 may be in any path or drive on your system. the current path is indicated at
 the top of the screen, and available directories and drives are listed in
 white. all the files in the directory are searched to identify possible
 modules. those found are listed, along with their type (S3M, MOD or MTM),
 title and size in bytes.

 the arrow, page up/down, home and end keys can be used to move the blue
 selection bar. pressing space will tag the highlighted module to be loaded,
 while * will tag all the modules found in the current path. pressing enter
 on a module will load that module, plus any others which are tagged within
 that directory, and return to the song selection menu. pressing enter on a
 directory or drive will load any tagged modules and change the current path.

 pressing esc will quit the menu without loading any tagged modules.

 ------------------------------- -------- ----- - -
 tips from the author:

 starplayer uses a few tricks and techniques which both dos and Tran's pmode
 were not really designed to do. although pmode was designed to support calls
 from protected mode to real mode, it was never intended to fully support a
 dos shell. similarly, dos was never designed to be re-entrant or to have time
 critical routines interrupted for long periods of time. therefore it is
 recommended that for safe operation, the popup menu only be used when the
 disk is not being accessed. it is definately recommended that modules are not
 loaded when the disk is being accessed by a foreground program.

 if, for some reason, starplayer only partially freezes and the keyboard
 routine is still responsive, pressing control-alt-delete will attempt to
 close starplayer and return to dos without causing a system reset. this is
 most useful if the system freezes while dumping samples to device ram.

 note that when in a DOS shell, all extended memory remains allocated and is
 hence unavailable for other programs. also to prevent a system crash do not
 attempt to load multiple copies of starplayer or load any other protected
 mode program whilst starplayer is in memory....

 ------------------------------- -------- ----- - - 
			  - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- 
 this program and associated files are freeware. as such, no money may be
 charged for it, nor may it be distributed in a commercial venture. there is 
 no warranty or claim of fitness or reliability. the programs are distributed 
 AS IS, and as such neither the authors, those who have associations with the 
 demo group known as "oxygen", nor any data retrieval network or system from 
 which this was collected shall be held liable for any loss of data, down 
 time, loss of revenue or profit or any other direct or indirect damage or 
 claims caused by this program. 

 this program is written entirely in pmode assembler without a debugger so
 don't blame us for whatever happens! we know of quite a few bugs which can
 make your computer lock up, reset, fall back to dos, or play modules
 incorrectly. if you find any specific bugs, PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME TO NOTIFY
 THE AUTHOR! bugs cannot be eradicated if we dont know about them!

 in plain english, if it crashes your system, or causes you physical, 
 psychological or emotional torment, or causes your cat to go off its food, 
 tough! :-) 
 ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - 
			      oxygen's members 
			  - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- 
 handle     main tasks            machine 
 jedi       coder,musician        486dx4100 vlb, 8mb ram, 1mb GUS, SB 1.5
 kitsune    musician,graphician   a500, 1mb ram, wb2
 statix     coder,miscellaneous   386dx40, 4mb ram, 1mb GUS, SB 2.2 
 mantissa   coder                 486dx266 pci, 16mb ram, 1mb GUS
 jase       musician              486dx33, 8mb ram, 1mb GUS, tb multisnd
 ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - 
			       major releases 
			  - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- 
 dos (electronic programmers tar): 
 product      talent       description 
 cyanide.zip  rb/kt/stx/xc Cyanide Demo for the PC - won the 1994 C-Party
 cyndptch.zip stx          Cyanide Patch for Lame Sound Cards (SB et al) 
 starp100.zip jd/stx       Starplayer - Best S3M player for the GUS yet. 
 startro.zip  jd/kt/stx    BBS Loader for Star BBS
 tedium.zip   jd/kt/stx    An intro about its title - tedium.
 starp200.zip jd           Starplayer - MOD file support, 100% click free 
 starp201.zip jd           Starplayer - DMA to dump samples, pan bug fix 
 starp202.zip jd           Starplayer - quick version 2.01 crash bug fix
 starp203.zip jd           Starplayer - continuous play feature plus more
 starp210.zip jd           Starplayer - new soundblaster support!
 starp211.zip jd           Starplayer - improved soundblaster mixing
 starp212.zip jd           Starplayer - MTM support and VU-bars
 starp220.zip jd           Starplayer - 64 modules, load from shell, menus!
 starp221.zip jd           Starplayer - alphabetical filename sorting
 starp222.zip jd           Starplayer - support for playlist files
 dusken.zip   jd/kt        'Dusken' - Musicdisk by Raphael BlackWolf
 starp223.zip jd           Starplayer - bugfix for ICS mixer, 16-bit samples
 tdm-code.zip jd           ASM source code for the tedium intro
 starp224.zip jd           Starplayer - cd-audio support

 other interesting releases:
 product      talent      description 
 r-delivr.zip jd          Deliverance. 2nd Placed Rookie Entry in Music 
			  Contest ][. 
 My Child     jd          Module part of 'expOZe', australian music disk.
 After Sunset jase        Module part of 'expOZe', australian music disk.
 Kingdom Skys jase        1st Placed Vetran entry in Music Contest 3.
 StepBack     kt          7th Placed entry in OZ96 music competition.

 ** kitsune also releases lots of music, way too many to list here. 
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			     distro/support bbs 
			  - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- 
 oxygen whq         oxygen.it.com.au  whq        statix
  support only.
 oxygen www         http://www.it.com.au/oxygen/
  australian www site.
 mindflux           +61-2-416-2513    ehq        force format
  trilogy nswhq, reality whq, heretics sozhq, dissonance distro.. 
 oxygen ftp         ftp://peace.wit.com/kosmic/oxygen/
  official ftp site.
 oxygen www         http://peace.wit.com/~kosmic/oxygen/
  international www site.
 realm of insanity  +1-2o3-568-15o2   nushq      god speed
  relic, iridium, dark us, klf, union member, nation member.. 
 borderline reality +1-414-656-o2o5   usdist     berky 
  bc/itc/gcn/grind/rgs nets, tons of affils. 

 sl1210 bbs         +31-43-638243                ch:ilm/db-duo
  image! whq, db-duo whq, ldi, tom, dmk, fiction dist

 overflow bbs       +1-418-659-1872              populus
  purple, force ten, defiance

 speak to statix if you'd like to join in.
 ------------------------------ -------- ----- - - 
			   how to speak to oxygen 
			  - - ----- ------- ---------------------------------- 

 the oxygen web page which can be found at:


 and the official oxygen ftp site is:


 you can mail all our members directly at these addresses:
	 jedi                        [email protected]
	 statix                      [email protected]
	 mantissa                    [email protected]
	 kitsune                     [email protected]
	 jase                        [email protected]

 sometimes if you are lucky you might find one of us in IRC channels #coders
 or #trax, or on Perthnet...
 if you have a pen, you can stick your ideas on a page destined for 
	 jedi/oxygen                     statix/oxygen 
	 scott mcnab                     kim davies 
	 5 honeydew close                19 kincraig way 
	 maida vale wa 6057              duncraig wa 6023 
	 australia                       australia 
 send your postcards, cash, cheques, gold bars, diamonds, family heirlooms etc 
 to these addresses :) 
		      see you in the next oxygen release! 
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				 o x y g e n 
 - - ----- ------- -----------------------------------------------------------
  "STARPLAYER: because we believe that if you've got a dick worth mentioning
	       you wont need pictures of them in your modplayer"