
Dimensions by Transdimensional


                         (C) Transdimensional,  1998

                             impressions/info by
                               Maple Leaf / TD

 quick info

        launch with "-c" parameter to get the configuration screen
        press <space> at any time to take screenshots

        dos4g and pmodew version are both available, but the pmw version
        might require a bit more memory, so please run it under a clean dos

                        TD-DIMEN.EXE - dos4gw version
                        TD_DIMPM.EXE - pmodew version

        don't run the demo under winbloze (any version, any kernel, any OS)
        don't run the demo under linux/unix/solaris dos emulator


        [maple leaf]     code, gfx, 3d engine, 3d modeling, animation
        [xplore]         music ("trip 2 jupiter")
        [boris petrovic] additional gfx & textures, title picture
        [sahara surfers] midas 0.6.2
        [thomas pytel]   pmodew 1.32

        This is Transdimensional's very first production.


        486dx2, vesa, 12mb free mem, 500k base, clean dos

 best configuration

        P5/166, fast vesa, soundcard, clean dos

 configuring the demo

        launch with parameter "-c" to get the configuration screen


        yes ;-)

        pmodew version seems to crash randomly, so i included the
        original (dos4g) version, too. i can't fix the bug(s?); i'm
        getting tired of fighting with ghosts that i cannot see or

 explanations and other stuff

        thanks for watching this demo. be grateful, too. you have just
        seen three months of hard work and pepsi overdose in about 6:30
        minutes. pepsi rules.
        this demo won the 1st place at Reunion '98 party, held in Bucharest,
        Romania. some people say it deserved the 1st place. some people
        (like me for instance) are more skeptical about it (because they
        were not at the party place! :-)))
        don't try to rip anything. unlike "when i was a kid", this
        demo is lzw compressed, so forget about stealing textures again ;)
        this demo demonstrates (what else could it do). what does it
        demonstrate? good question:

            - fractal plasma
            - 2d masks
            - 2d wave lens filters
            - 2d shading
            - texture mapping
            - perspective tex mapping
            - environment mapping
            - solid and glass surfaces
            - gouraud shading
            - fake phong shading
            - illumination models
            - light movement
            - halo
            - lens flare
            - spotlights
            - b-spline morphing
            - linear morphing
            - b-spline interpolated camera
            - motion blur
            - mirrors
            - watchdog-type animation
            - text blur
            - videotape noise effect
            - old fashioned movie effect
            - animation overlapping/transparence
            - negative effect
            - bitmap rotation and zoom
            - explosion

        i think this would be enough.


        this demo really needs a fast pentium. the 3d engine is not very
        fast, and some scenes are quite complex (although they might not
        seem to be). run it under a clean dos session. please don't run
        it under win95 or nt, it won't work or it will freeze shortly
        after launching.


        1.  the demo freezes in the 5th part (yellow room)
        --> try a clean boot. try running in MONO mode (param "-c")

        2.  freezes in a 2d filter part
        --> try run it under dos instead of win

        3.  doesn't detect your soundcard
        --> launch with "-c" parameters

        4.  needs a vesa 1.2
        --> buy a vesa compliant videocard

        5.  sounds weird
        --> launch with "-c" parameters, change the default soundcard

        6.  freezes with the soundcard "on"
        --> launch with "-c" parameters, try no-sound mode

        7.  generates an emm386 error in novell dos
        --> try a clean boot, or at least with emm386 "off"

        8.  conflicts with qemm
        --> remove qemm

        9.  does not find some file
        --> be sure that all the files in the package are in the current dir
        --> be sure you have dos4gw in a PATH-ed directory

        10. freezes and starts squeaking
        --> did you run the pmodew version? run the other one.
        --> did you run the dos4gw version? try a clean boot.

        11. always stops with an error message "panic: 12Mb needed [...]"
        --> do you own at least 16Mb of memory?
        --> try run it w/out sound
        --> try a clean boot

 greetings and hellos

        oxygene nooon gods matrix boris petrovic statix blabla dosis
        fresh trauma maz pepsico inc and all our friends overseas :-]

        ans last but not least, thank you all at Reunion '98 for voting
        for us. good luck with Reunion '99, guys!


        [maple leaf] [email protected], [email protected]
        [xplore]     [email protected]


        (c) Transdimensional, MCMXCVIII

        Maple Leaf exhausted and out.