
Dead End by Theta

                           Theta presents

                           Dead End

                           For Abduction '97

³1. Introductory words³Û

        The original idea for this demo came from valts, who thought it might
be cool to write this kind of 'untraditional' demo. we are not VERY good with
traditional demo-fx yet so we decided to do something different and the idea
sounded great. and we did it, it seems so.
        Now the whole thing seems kinda unfinished... maybe that's because it
IS unfinished :-) who knows. but atleast it won't crash. like Bill Gates said:
'it compiled? the 1st screen came up? ship it!' :-)

³2. Interesting facts about this demo³Û

        * the actual coding was not started until June 1st
        * ...but most of it was done between June 4, 10PM and June 5, 10AM :-)
        * lots of GREAT pictures by valts had to be dithered down so they
could appear in 256 colors
        * finnish government blows cuz they wouldn't give Alle a visa for
entry to finland ;(
        * lots of this demo is fake and some parts are just animated... but
what's the difference if it's cool...
        * there's a hidden part - but you will NEVER find it :)
        * sorry for HUGE size - but in our future demos we will also have
compression :)
        * we could have used more people while making this demo but oh well.
        * the original idea was it to be full on nothing. pulp was the idea.

³3. Technical requirements³Û

        A computer (a must).
        A monitor (optional*).
        A soundcard (optional*).
        Some 4-16MB of memory (it was coded with 24).

optional* - means that the demo still can be run without the components
            but there would be no use

        Run demo with 'deadend /s' to get to the soundcard selection part...
if not, then it defaults to autodetect

³4. Disc-lamer³Û

        This demo is free. go spread it.
        if it crashes, it's not our fault.
        If you happen to blow something up or press the 'launch nuclear
devices' button or whatever while watching this, it's not our fault. it's
your personal problem. like William Henry Gates III said: 'umm... don't know.
it runs just fine here. this must be a user problem.'

³5. Personal greets³Û

        * Alle:
        Adept: hello to Saigatet of Gedaias and good luck with your next demo
        Marq: you like bein greeted, dont you? :)
        John Bastian: where the hell??
        Markus Aurala: see you at Abduction'98!
        Finnish Government: thanx for the stupid law because of which I
couldnt come to Abduction :(
        and Dedal, dbd7pro, extacy, yzi, pete, Mri, Verne, COMet, Kneebiter
        and others

        * Terminus:
        Hornet guys: keep up the great work.
        MC Dreamer: your samples and songs rule!
        Tangerine: and yours, too :-)
        FireLight: is there ever gonna be FireStorm 4?
        and yzi, diff, p6der, HVC guys, jux, frankie, MrWillow...

        * valts:
        HVC-crew, past and present.
        and all the other friends.

³6. Credits³Û

        Now DeadEnd was made by:
        Alle - code
        valts - original concept, design, gfx
        Terminus - soundtrack

        thanx to Sahars Surfers for its wonderful Midas

³7. Contacts³Û

        See THETA.NFO or point your browser to
http://www.hvc.ee/terminus/theta/. if you don't have access to the Internet,
you are probably an error and should be deleted before causing further damage.
btw our e-mail is [email protected]...

³8. What the heck?³Û

        Where should I know :-)