
Hätä by Da Jormas [web]

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		 \   /  \_  /  \ /  _/_ \/  \_ \_  \_____ \
		  \______/_____/ \____/  \___/__/   \___'  \
		  dA JoRMaS @ Assembly 2002 demo compo: Hätä

Win32: run JRm-hata.exe from the JRm-hata directory.
Linux: run JRm-hata from the JRm-hata directory.

Hätä defaults to full screen mode. Use the --windowed command line argument
for a windowed mode.

Hätä is a multiplatform demo. It relies on Sam Lantinga's SDL library for
video and audio output. This means it should be quite easy to port the demo
to any platform supported by SDL. This archive contains prebuilt binaries
for i686-pc-linux-gnu and Win32. Prebuilt versions for other platforms may
be made available at a later time.

The source code for Hätä is free software and is licensed under the
GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING in the source archive
for more information. The data files may not be used in any other product
than Hätä.

The SDL.dll file is included in this archive to make the demo run on Win32
systems. The libraries in the lib directory are included to make sure the
dynamically linked Linux binary works on the compo machine.

This is the compo version and may be buggy. A bug fixed and/or optimized
version may be made available later.

: Code                        Vesuri :: Song name                   Raunio :
: Graphics                    Vesuri :: Song length                2951136 :
: Music                       Vesuri :: Playtime                     3"04' :
: Style                      Electro :: BPM                            120 :

:                            dA JoRMaS in the net                          :
: dA JoRMaS Home Page                               http://www.jormas.com/ :
: dA JoRMaS E-Mail                                    [email protected] :