
Peace by Promise Home Entertainment

     ____________  /\_______  ______  ___  _   /  \ ___/\____ _________
     \__.    _   \/.    _   \/      \/   \/ \ :\__//   _____//   _____/
        |    \\   \|    \\   \   T   \       \|    \___.   \/   ___/
        |     \___/|     \   /   |    \  \/   \     \  |    \   |  ¯\
        |      \_  |      \_ ¯\  |    /  /     \_    \_     /   :    \_
     ...|_______/  |_______/   \_____/  /       /_____/____/\_________/...
                         |     /    |__/       /
                         |____/        \______/                  >ang!<
                    PROMISE Home Entertainment Present:

Files in package:               - file_id.diz  (360 byte)
-----------------               - peace.exe    (33,764 byte)
                                - peace.dat    (2,077,460 byte)
                                - peace.nfo    (4761 byte)

Hardware requirements:          - 386
----------------------          - 4Mbyte Ram
                                - 512kB SVGA card, VESA driver

     If you haven't got Gravis Ultrasound card use the /NOGUS switch!

--------                        code:            dAb
                                objcets:         GaBe, dAb & Amon Ra
                                gfx:             GaBe
                                mzx:             Anorganic
                                trace:           BePe
                                digiSupport:     Atlantic
                                Pmode:           Tran

                Promise Home Entertainment
                dAb-Szitas Krisztian (PeeCee thingz)
                9200-Mosonmagyarovar,Flesch K. ut 2.,I/7/31
                                    [email protected]
                                    [email protected]

                Anorganic-Deutsch Gabor (Amiga thingz)
                9200-Mosonmagyarovar,Schonherz Z. ut 7.
                                   [email protected]
                                    [email protected]

                  Da Lost Grid BBS (+36)96-211-737
(warning: the e-mail addresses does not exists in summer time)

                Cheap,well quilified musicians are waiting
                  for your letters at NoiseGate Studio!

                Amon Ra-Fulop Sandor
                9200-Mosonmagyarovar,Flesch K. ut 6. A/2

About the Team:
Promise Home Entertainment is formed from an Amiga group called Promise!
This is our second PC demo, and we are looking for new members
(e.g.: gfx man, coder)
Actual memberlist: coder: dAb, gfxman: Gabe, mzxman:Amon Ra
tracers: BePe, Amon Ra, object-creators:Gabe, dAb, Amon Ra

Promise Home Entertainment's stuffs: (PC)
Oldie Butt Goldie (64k intro) - Cache'96   4.place
CineMania (demo)              - SCenEST'96 3.place
Peace (demo)                  - Rage'96    ?.place

The game developing is near to us, we have demonstrated our knowledge in this
dentro, so if your company want to use our service...
send us a letter! (dAb's address)
3D Engine for Sale!
If you wanna use one of these objects, send me $10!

Greetings to:
   ‘ Atlantic (Thanx for the Hardware support, digitizing and so on..)
   ‘ Scribe/Faculty ‘ Megadou/Bi0Hazard ‘ SB/Remal ‘ Tomcat/Abaddon
   ‘ Alma/Grif ‘ dLux,CyD & Trajic/Hydrogen ‘ Flex/Frame18
   ‘ LGB/DigitalCreatures ‘ MrBeno/Resolution ‘ Pro,Pupu,Hanx/Urinate
   ‘ Thocy/Thocy Palace Software ‘ T.A.R.
Respect for:
   ‘ Snowman & O-man / AstroideA ("Ami nekem leginkabb alnyerte a tetszesemet,
   az a Goldie cimu Promise! alkotas..." -PCX Aprilis Demozona)
                                                    signed by dAb: (96.05.10)
1. Hosok vagyunk,           2. Mivelunk ne cicazz      3. Eloveszem flintam,
   Es boldogok,                Mert rafaragsz,            Betoltom en jol,
   Falra szarunk,              Jol vigyazz,               Lovom ki puhany
   Mint a bulldogok.           Nem harapsz!               Oszt elkialtom goool!

4. Kitaposom beluket,       5. Zsaru leszek sej-haj,   6. Hos a lelkem, YO!
   Kinyomom a szemuket!        Nem huje munkas,           Leesett a ho!
   Elfolyik a ver,             Citrom izu meggyhab,       Kiverem a farkam,
   Forog az ido es a ter!      Mienk lesz a tudas!        Elvagyok en mostan.

                                     Irta: Thocy/Thocy Palace Software 1993.