F-Bird, a text bootsector game. by Oscar Toledo G. Jun/05/2017 http://nanochess.org https://github.com/nanochess Run it as a COM file or write it in the bootsector of a floppy disk. Press any key to start, press any key to fly! This game is written using pure 8088 instructions, so it should work over an original IBM PC with CGA card. No Hercules support (though it would be a matter of changing the video segment to B000) If you want to assemble it, you must download the Netwide Assembler (nasm) from www.nasm.us Use this command line: nasm -f bin fbird.asm -o fbird.com Tested with VirtualBox for Mac OS X running Windows XP running this game, it also works with DosBox and probably with qemu: qemu-system-x86_64 -fda fbird.com Note that VirtualBox doesn't emulate the PC speaker, so the "flap" sound doesn't sound at all. Enjoy it!
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