
Space-Time Singularity Beauty disturbed by yapping Mother-in-law by Kuemmel [web]

### 'stsbdbym' =>                             ###
###                                           ###
### 'Space-Time Singularity Beauty disturbed  ###
###  by yapping Mother-in-law'                ### 
###                                           ###
### a 128 byte intro with pc speaker sound by ###
###         Kuemmel for Outline 2017          ###
|                                               |
| ..."I am such a perfect & beautiful space-time|
| singularity, but those visits of my yapping   |
| mother-in-law get onto my nerves like hell"   |
|                                               |
| - runs on DOSBox (best at 40000 cycles)       |
| - assembles with Flat Assembler               |
|                                               |
| A quick port of an idea derived from a        |
| GLSL shader code (See file 'shader_code').    | 
| Then some bytes were left and I thought to    |
| exploit Hellmood's pc speaker usage           |
| introduction on www.sizecoding.org.           |
| That gave some funny sounds and I chose a     |
| product title that would make some sense out  |
| of that ;-) ...äh...kind of...                |
|                                               |
| Sorry for no double buffering or vsync and    |
| some other dirty tricks which may prevent it  |
| to run on real hardware. The cycle setting at |
| 40000 is the only thing to be set in the      |
| DOSBox settings.                              | 
|                                               |
| Cheers,                                       |
|                                               |
|     Kuemmel                                   |
|                                               |
| Special thanks to HellMood and Sensenstahl    |
| for continuous support and greetings to all   |
| the others in the tiny intro coder world !    |
|                                               |
### e-mail: [email protected]     ###
### web...: www.mikusite.de                   ###