// ÚÄ¿Ú¿ÚÄ¿Ú¿ÂoÂ{oo}ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿Ú¿oo // ô{³³³ÃÄÙ{³}ÀÂÙ{oo}ÀĿôoo³{oo} // ÀÄÙÁ ÁÁ{o}ÁooÁoÄÄÄÄÀÄÙÀÄÙoÁ{o} M M MM MM M M M M 77 M M M 7 7 radiance ([email protected]) IS ASHAMED TO PRESENT HIS LAST MONSTRUOSITY... -DEADLIGHTS- An IT satire ! |||||| A TELLTALE WARNING ABOUT THE DANGERS OF STARING INTO LASER RADIATION FROM A BUNCH OF FIBERS FLOATING IN THE SEWERS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| FLOATING/DEADLIGHTS ACCESS DEVICE DIY RECIPE : you 'll need : -two balloons -a helium cylinder / canister -but- in order to float -down-, you 'll have to use a heavier gas... -a fibre, multimode or monomode, patch cable (check weights vs balloon carrying capacity) -transparent tape (to secure things) -a bit of nylon fishing wire, transparent, low gauge. -two swivels Recipe : -attach each extremity (5% slack each side) of the fibre to a piece of nylon wire with a tight knot, cut the overhead, and insert a swivel on the line. -fill and seal the baloons with the same quantity of helium to insure balanced lift of the line -attach each nylon wire segment to the balloon mouth in an aesthetic manner, use a bit of transparent tape to secure it to the balloon. -plug one extremity of the fibre to a modulated high data rate visible LASER source. (FC,Ethernet, whatever, is visible. a big plus if it is 590nm wavelength.) -power off all light sources and get the room as dark as possible (that means taping all network equipement leds or getting the fibre extremity in an unlit zone. and now, DO NOT DO THIS, big NO-NO : -Stare into the beam for an undefined amount of time. -Depending on the power level of the source, fibre attenuation, and stare time, you'll get or not temporary/permanent damage to your eyesight. On the other hand, you'll make it into the deadlights... "we all float down here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and you will too !" Pennywise the clown.
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