
Mehcaster by Agenda

                     //_| .
                 __ // /| .
                /_ \/\__|. 
                \\_/  _/|_


                   mehcaster 256b


	CODE:	        svoy

     Silly Venture 2016 256b intro, Party Version

	Requirements: PAL Atari XL/XE 64KB
Contact: [email protected]

- 1st part - Atari rainbow, message (~25 bytes)
- 2nd part - raycasted, double buffered, xor textured tunnel (~200 bytes)
- 3rd part - Agenda PMG logo (~20 bytes)
- 4th part - endless noise (9 bytes)

Kudos go to JAC! for WUDSN!
Code attached.
It's my first 6502 code ever so be gentle.

PS:this info file is already 4x bigger than the intro itself :)