
Arrival by Alpha Millenium Crew


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                          amc :: rewriting history

.::::: arrival 
.:::::   b y   
.:::::  a m c 

.::::: Winner of the remedy 2002
       non-accelerated demo compo

code ............ gammawave
code ............ pegasus
music ........... mempheria
2d graphics ..... gammawave
add. 2d graphics. fuzhou
3d graphics ..... duke

System requirements:

: Windows 95 or higher
:: maybe 192 Mb RAM
::: for decent framerate, 700 MHz or better
:::: DirectX 5 or higher
::::: Soundcard

The RAM requirement is hard to be precise about,
but the demo swaps painfully on my 128 Mb machine...
regarding cpu, it depends on how picky you are about
framerate.. I'd recommend 8-900 MHz for optimal pleasure,
but then again I'm pretty picky.
I know. We're lazy bastards. But watch the demo before
you flame us.

If you really want to, you can run the demo at a lower
resoltution.. we really don't recommend it, because it
looks like shit. Or bajs, as we say in swedish.
If you still want to, just start the demo with the
parameter lores:
arrival lores

There is also a special mode, which can be accessed by
passing Pegasus' favourite food as a command line parameter
to arrival, i.e.

arrival <insert pegasus favourite food>

It looks very designish that way.

This demo was originally to be released at
assembly 2001, but we didn't finish it on time...
This doesn't mean that it consist of mainly old
code - we've rewritten most of it, and added a lot
of new stuff.

Parts of this demo are meant as a tribute to some
of the great demos of the amiga scene - if anyone
perceives this tribute as stealing or ripping, we
are sorry. However, we sincerely hope this is not
the case. All of the original authors that we did
get hold of have given us permission to reproduce
their work.


If you like this demo, be sure to download some
of our previous releases:


Contact us:

gammawave:   [email protected]
pegasus:     [email protected] (until middle of August '02 )
mempheria:   [email protected]

amc :: rewriting history