
Bad Python!! by Genshiken

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        The  Society  For  The  Study   Of  Modern  Visual Culture

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Bad Python!!
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·: Type / タイプ
        64k Raspberry Pi intro

·: Credits / クレジット
        stage7                  スタジ七
                Code                    コード
        Alstroemeria Records    Alstroemeria Records
                Original music          オリジナル音楽
        anira                   あにら
                Original video          オリジナルPV
        ZUN/Team Shanghai ALice ZUN/上海アリス幻楽団
                Touhou                  東方

·: Released at / リリース
        Euskal Encounter 24     エウスカル・エンカウンター・二十四
        20160722 - 20160725     2016年7月22日から2016年7月25日まで
        Barakaldo, Spain        バラカルド、スペイン

·: Greetings / 挨拶
        achifaifa               アチファイファ
        biXo                    ビショ
        Collapse                コラプシ
        Euskal demoscene        エウスカル・デモシーン
        marcan                  マルカン
        NecroStudios            ネクロスタジオス
        pera                    ペラ
        .pt demoscene           ポルトガルのデモシーン
        Purples Studios         パーポルズ・スタジオス
        rgba                    アル・ジー・ビー・エー
        Roobre                  ロオブレ
        Software Failure        ソフトウェア・フェーリュア
        SOGA                    ソガ
        yawin                   ヤウィン

·: Comments / コメント(英語)
        stage7: My humble contribution to Euskal Encounter 24 is this 64 kb
intro meant to be run on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. Here are a few notes you
need to know in order to run this intro:

        1. Make sure you are trying to run this intro with a Raspberry Pi 2
Model B. This has not been tested against Model A but it's pretty easy that
it will fail, or else it will take hours to precalc. I haven't tested it in
RPi 3 Model B either but I guess it is a little faster.
        2. This is a party version anyway and as such it needs improvement.
This said it takes its sweet 25 MINUTES to precalc the music. Have patience
or search for the video in YouTube. The reason for such a long precalc time
is caused by the 8 tracks of additive synthesis. I will try to fix this the
moment I sit to make a final version.
        3. If you launch this intro from a Raspberry Pi and an Adafruit TFT
2.8" 320x240 screen, type "export SDL_FBDEV=/dev/fb1" before intro.sh. This
will ensure the output goes through the TFT and not the HDMI framebuffer.
        4. The previous instruction is included in intro.sh, but just to be
sure in case of troubleshooting.
        5. You should be able to run the intro in a desktop Linux, but make
sure you remove the "export" instruction beforehand. The effect will not be
the same, but whatever.

        Since ZUN allows Touhou stuff to be remade in what is called "dôjin
circles" and since Alstroemeria allows reposting of their tracks in YouTube
and such there should be no problem with this intro. Anyway, if you are ZUN
or a member of Alst and you think this work is a violation of something you
should write to me at [email protected]. I do not get money from this anyway.

ZUN terms of license: https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki:Copyrights
Dôjin "safety list": http://www.doujinstyle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6498

(CC) (by) (!$) (»«) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA). www.creativecommons.cc

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