Higher desire by Miracle
ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ MIRACLE Productions' ÃÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ HIGHER DESIRE ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Miracle Prods. Information TextFile dated 10 August, 1995 þ File Contents: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. Miracle Memberlist 2. Contacting Miracle 3. Hardware requirements 4. Comments about H.D. 5. Thank You 6. Greetings/Misc comments ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. Miracle Memberlist ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Handle Real Name Age Occupation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ToadStool Carles Cuf¡ 18 Coder John Juan L. Abadia 21 Coder Data Marc Salmurri 18 Musician Kiwi David S nchez 22 Coder/Sysop 2. Contacting Miracle ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Email: [email protected] [email protected] Fax: +34-3-7952811 (John) World HeadQuarters: Rendering in Progress BBS +34-3-4902471 16.8k - 1.2Gb Distro site: Pointbreak 6 nodes 28.8 v.34 , v.fc , v.34+ sysop lord cyrix / s!p Fidonet: 3:343/108.53 (John) Mail: ToadStool/Miracle Carles Cuf¡ Uruguai 4 08190 St. Cugat del V. Barcelona SPAIN 3. Hardware Requirements ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The demo will NOT run without: þ 386 or higher processor þ 4 Mb of RAM (About 2500 Kb of free extended memory) þ Register-compatible VGA card þ About 500 Kb of free low memory þ A memory manager (XMS/VCPI) loaded However, it will look(sound) much better with: þ Gravis UltraSound (512 Kb) þ Math coprocessor þ VESA-compatible Super VGA þ VLB video card / 486+ processor 4. Comments abour H.D. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ You might find some of the hardware requirements a bit weird, but as always there's a reason for them: - Math coprocessor: In the raytraced world, the 'alien view' effect requires a very big look-up table. To avoid storing it on disk, we decided that it was wiser to use the coprocessor, as almost everybody has got a 486dx nowadays. If no coprocessor is present, the world will run without the effect. - VESA Super VGA: As you might know, raytraced graphics' appeal relays strongly on details, and those were almost completely lost when rendering in register compatible resolutions. Again, most people have a reasonably VESA compatible SVGA these days, so there shouldn't be much trouble with this. If no VESA interface is detected, the reflected cubes and spheres image will be shown in 320x240 instead of 640x480. This is our first demo both as a group as individually, bcoz none of us had ever been envolved on any release. It has been coded entirely in 386 assembler and it runs under my (ToadStool) Protected Mode Interface. We have tested it with XMS, EMM86 and QEMM and it seems to run ok, however, there's some risk of screwing up under weird XMS systems. If you get an exception or the thing hangs up just try different configurations (XMS/EMM/QEMM) and if still hangs just run it on some friend's computer. We're really sorry about this hanging problem but we just ran out of time and there was no way out. While coding a demo you realize how extremely pathetic Real Mode is as opposed to Protected Mode. If you are a PC coder and are still coding in real mode, Wake Up! Use Tran's (or some other) interface or code your own and forget about memory barriers and prefix bytes. Personally I haven't tested Flat Real Mode, though I have read a bit about it in the Imphobia diskmagazine. It probably is quite nice, but I don't really see the point in using it when there's Protected Mode available. The raytracer was coded quite a while ago by John and Kiwi, and it really is cool, though when 3DStudio appeared PC raytracing lost much of its original fun. The Bzier-curve 3D object generator was also coded by John. Sorry for the final lack of Sound Blaster support, but the thing was going to unstable with it, so we decided to take it out. 5. Thank You ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Thanks to: þ IGUANA for letting us use their computer (Thanx Doodz!!!) þ JCAB/Ign for the incredible help he gave us in the party place. þ Xim for the great info and help. þ Madchip for letting us use his scanner. þ DJ Dare for the great samples. 5. Greetings ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Miracle sends greetz to: Iguana, Dust, Legend Design, Cubic Team, Deus, Jamm, Abbadon Nooon, Realtech, Triton, Future Crew, Imphobia, Complex CDA VR, Capacala, Orange, Impact Studios, Infiny and to everybody at ASSEMBLY'95... ToadStool & Data specially greet the following people/companies for making our lifes still happier than they would be without them: Music Groups: þ GREEN DAY þ REAL McCOY þ OFFSPRING þ TLC þ JMJarre þ ... Soft/HardWare Companies: þ Sony Comp. Ent. (We didn't expect so much of the PSX!!!) þ Rare Ltd. þ ID Software þ Namcot (Tekken's I and II motion rocks!!!) þ Nintendo (We're waiting for your revolution!!!) þ Sega (Please add transparencies to your Model 2 board) þ Psygnosis (3 years ago our dreams were smthing similar to PlayStation's Wipe Out) þ Konami, Capcom and all other major cool jap game companies þ Every coder moving from the demo scene to a games company deserves the very best of luck þ ... Soda companies: þ Coca-Cola þ Snapple's þ ... Personals: þ Shigeru Miyamoto þ Jay Leno/David Letterman (keep up the big fight) þ Cindy Crawford þ Will Smith þ Scatman John (or whatever your name is) þ Beavis & Butt-head þ ... Sucking things: þ European MTV þ Spanish Almost Everything þ Interlaced low-rez TV þ PAL consoles!!!! (17% slower and NOT full screen: DOH!!!) þ ... Last Minute Note: We are foolnonselfesteemedlazynarrowmindedstupid... All names are trademarks of their respective companies. (Or something like that)
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