
Oldschool by Melting Pot [web]

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...Presents his contribution to the #Codefr OldSchool compo...


   Music     : [>> Garou <<] 

   Code      : [>> Skeet <<] 

               [>> PB <<]    

               [>> Xann <<]   

               [>> Ace <<]   

   Contacts :

   ==> Xann      : [email protected]
   ==> Garou     : [email protected]
   ==> Skeet     : [email protected]
   ==> PB        : [email protected]
   ==> Ace       : [email protected]

<------------- MORE explanations ------------------------------->
   needs DirectX 6.1 or better, dont forget to enable "wait vertical synchro" !

   Now, if you want more sexual sensations ... >-)~
   ==> www.melting-pot.org

<---------------------------------------------------[ gAr0u ]--->