chaintro_vmu by High Society [web]
o : _ ___| H I G H S O C I E T Y |___ _ _:_ /\\ //\ _:_ |// ___. ____ ___ ______ ___:.____ \\| | \ || /(___)\ __// || / | | _/ \\ \_ // \_ | | | _\\____||____ __________||_____//_ | -oOo- | cDr|_____|m's ____ : | | ______ _____ _____ ___ ________| |_ _______ : ___\ _// _ \\ _/(___)\_ /_ _/__\ / _ _/ /___ / \ /____/ | | \ _/ __ /_/\\______________________ ________|____|_______\ /\_\ _:_ __ _\\_\/ |_____| \/_//_ __ _:_ |// \\| | TITLE: Chaintro | | | | Type : Demo Date : 09.07.2000 | | Company : High Society Language : English | | Platform : DC/VMU Coder : DjaX![hS] | | Format : BIN Version : 1.0 | | _| |_______________________________________________________________________|_| | | | R E L E A S E T E S T E D W I T H : | | | | SYSTEM: COPYSTATION: FORMAT: / | | [ ] N64 [ ] V64 [ ] PAL _ // | | [ ] PSX [ ] Z64 [ ] NTSC //// | | [ ] PS2 [ ] J64 ////_ | | [ ] GBC [ ] GBX // | | [ ] NGPC [ ] NGPX / | | [ ] DC | | [X] DC/VMU | | | | _____ _| |___ ________ _______ _| | ________ _____ ________________________|_| | ___\_ // _ \\_ _\\_ // _/___ | :_/ / / / | | /____/ \___ \_ RELEASE NOTES: | _\\____/_________________|_____|___________________//_ ____________________| . | | | | Hi, | | | | and welcome to a journey into djax`s world of coding with a other | | cewl short pocket-demo | | the dreamcast scene has begone, but its easy to code in c | | and the vmu is asmstuff pur so take your feed and do also | | something on the vmu cause asm is real coding and c is for | | newbies only.. | | if you are interested feel free to contact me in our most famous | | ef-net channel or send a mail to [email protected] | | Remember that ...nothing is everything and everything is nothing. | | everything you do means nothing becoze there is nothing on | | anywhere !! womens are for fucking but it you cant, remember that | | >>> nothing is everything ...and everything is nothing <<< | | hehe thats the point of being a genius !!! | | | | Usage: | | I have included the emulator you need to the package cause this | | .nfo is bigger as the demo and i think there is enaugh space for | | the emul :) | | To use the windows-emul simply click on it and choose the demo- | | file. | | Call the dos-enul with "vms chaintro.vms" | | To see the demo on a real DC/VMU you need the cable and a program | | to load the included vmi file into your VMU. | | | | Have phun with it, and watch out for another cewl releases , | | | | | | signed: DjaX![hS] | | | | ____ _| _|__ _______ _______ _____ _______ _______ ____| |_ _ _______________|_| | __\_ //_ // _//_ //_ // _/_ _// | :_/ _/ / /____/ \___ /____/ /____/ / | | RESPECT GOES TO: | _\\___\____\__________________|_________________|____||____________________| : | | | | Eurasia - Paradox - Hitmen - Aggression - Capital - Mups | | Lightforce - WackyIso - Nightfall - Oldskool - NOiSY BOYZ | | Class - Pantheon - CNC | | NBD - BMI - 2DB | -|-- --|- | C02 - Actraiser - Fredro - NINjA - RKR | | Icarus - Lukullus - Control - Brainwalker | | Apfelsaft - Teklord - Liberator - Albi - satchmo - Apollo | | | | _| | ___.:___ _______ ___:.___ ____ ________ ______ _____ __ _____________|_| : \ || //_ // || \\_ ))_ //_ // _/__ | _/ || /____/ || (_ /____/ _/ / \___ \_ HS MEMBERS: | \____\/_______________\/_________________\_______________//_ _____________| | | | | | H I G H S O C I E T Y M E M B E R S L I S T | | | | Rico - Mic1 - Furore - Darkman - Swasti - Unit - CLOSEDone - Acidline | | Tom99 - Roadhouse - Erkay - Mad Woolf - Djax - Metzlers - cliffi | | Fuselito - Paradise - Fairchild - Zorn - Laslo - Yoshi_5 - DrkWatr | | Cartman - Sweed - Cyclone | | | | -= OUR FAMOUS SITES! =- | | | | Pxxxxxx Hxxxxxx .... SITE-OP: SECRET! IP:XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX HS FTP WHQ | | Vxxxxxxx ........... SITE-OP: SECRET! IP:xXx.xXx.xXx.xXx HS FTP EHQ | | Dxxxxxxxx .......... SITE-OP: SECRET! IP:xXx.xXx.xXx.xXx HS FTP HQ | | Sxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx ... SITE-OP: SECRET! IP:xXx.xXx.xXx.xXx HS FTP DIS | | Hxxx Vxxxxxx ....... SITE-OP: SECRET! IP:XxX.XxX.XxX.XxX HS FTP MHQ | | HIGH LANDS ......... HS WEB WHQ | | | | * IF YOURE NOT ON THIS LIST, THEN YOURE NOT IN HIGH SOCIETY * | | | | ____ ____ _| | ______ _______ ________| |_ ______ ______| |_ _ _ _____________|_| | \ _// _ \\_ /_ _// \\ _/_ _//// | :_/ / / / / | | / | | CONTACT INFO: | _\\________________/_______|____|____/\_________|____||_ __________________| . | | We are always looking for ELITE SUPPLIERS and CODERS to join our group. | | Intrested? Simply leave a mail to any member and tell us what you can | | do! Hope to hear from you soon! - [email protected] | | | | Find us on EFNET channel: #HS - HOMEPAGE: | | | | * dont forget to visit our shop! * | | | |_ _| |_|_ ___________ _ _ ___________ _|_| |_|___ _ _ _ _ ___|_| |_|_ NFO BY CRUSADER _|_| |_|_ __ _ __ _|_| |_| _\\((_))//_ |_| \ / /
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