
Street Fighter 2 by Beermanz

                Beermans from Extreme now with you.

Some about tracktro credits:
    Code: Noy
    Music: Ashnar
    Graphics: hmmm...
    Tracking: Noy

Game credits:
    Restoring: Goblin
    Packing: Goblin

Greetings flying to all Extreme: Magic Soft, Beermans, MegaCode,
Speed Co.; Progress, Prestige, Avalon, E-Mage...

    And  now  about firm cheat mode. In menu you must enter next
text:  CONFECTIONERY  COUNTRY OF THE NIN NIN. Then screen change

                 Address for contact to BEERMANS:

              Russia, Nizhegorodsky region, 607190,
          Sarov, Lenina 36-13. Shmonov Aleksey (DWARF)
                Tel. +7 (83130) 711-38 (evening!)

                     E-mail: [email protected]
                       [email protected]