
Srdce by Satori [web]

 Srdce by Satori + Tu v dome

 Zden - image, code, design
 Maali - 3d models help

 Zd3N.com satori.sk
 released at Outline 2014

 Music: Ladislav Durko
 Lyrics: Emily Dickinson
 (translated by Milan Richter)

 Tu v dome:
 Ladislav Durko - piano
 Ali Kobzova - voice, violin
 Bronka Schragge - cello
 Ozo Guttler - drums
 Martin Sutovec - banjo

 text original:

 The Heart asks Pleasure - first -
 And then - Excuse from Pain -
 And then - those little Anodyness
 That deaden suffering - 

 And then - to go to sleep - 
 And then - if it should be 
 The will of its Inquisitor 
 The privilege to die - 

 Emily Dickinson 1830 – 1886