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 ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  / /_/ / 
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                            /____/   presents...

PunkJS - an ultimate JS packing utility

PunkJS is a stand-alone tool to generate compressed HTML files that can be used
in the demo production from your JavaScript input source.

- Compatibility with most Unix-like systems, no dependencies except libpng and libm
- Selective compression using 10 different options (the smallest result is output)
- Fast unpacking engine
- HTML output compatible with all HTML5-enabled browsers that support <canvas> element (even IE9)
- Robustness to sensitive characters that appear in compressed data

PunkJS requires GCC, make and two libraries to be compiled: libm and libpng. 
Make sure the development headers for these libs are installed in your system.

To compile from source to current directory, just run "make".
To clean the binary, run "make clean".
To compile and install PunkJS systemwide (into /usr/local/bin by default), run "make install" as root.
To reinstall PunkJS systemwide, run "sudo make clean&&sudo make install".

PunkJS is run straightforward:

    punkjs [infile.js] [outfile.html]

	If you have any questions or troubles regarding this tool, plz write at cnetcore(at)gmail(dot)com.