
PMD 3 (P.acked-M.oD.ule) pattern packer by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation [web]


As  I want to release it finally (it seems to be 100% Bug-Free) I think  it 
is important to write some lines about the packer and the format.  So  that 
maybe someone else than me will use it....

I. What is it? 

PMD3 is my (Dynacore/TSCC) own little patterncompressed moduleformat, which 
allows to depack the module in realtime while playing without (nearly)  any 
loss of CPU-time.

PMD3.PRG for 4-Channel mods and
PMD3_V8.PRG for 8-Channel mods
(Sorry that both are quite slow, but it's pure GfA-Basic code...)

II. What means PMD3?

This one is called PMD3 (P.acked-M.oD.ule,  Version 3), because this is the 
third change in the DEPACKER-Code.

The  idea of a patterncompressor came from BLADE/Newcore,  who did  such  a 
thing for own purposes and released it together with the Octalyser.
I heard of it and began to code my own:
The  first  patternpacker  was written for DYNABUSTERS+ to  save  the  rare 
memory.  It was a simple run-lenght packer and so the compressionrates were 
quite bad (around 80% of the orginal patternsize).
But then I had another idea, which allows a packrate of around 30%.
Well,  this packer then was the used patternpacker for DYNABUSTERS+. As Scy 
registered for Octalyser,  I finally had the possibility to compare  Blades 
packer with mine.
Dissapointing for me: Blades one was better...

So I thought about another method, or how to improve my algorithms.
Well,  I created a sequencelist,  that saves any doubles -> And that really 
helped a lot!!
So here is PMD3! And it beats Blades packer is all cases I compared them!!!

III. The Format

 File-Description for
  Module-Patterncompressor v3.0

  Offsets  |Lenght   | Meaning
         0 | 1080    |= Orginal ProTracker-Header
      1080 | 4       | ID: 'PMD3' - 4 Channels
           |         |     'PMd3' - 8 Channels
           |         |     'pMD3' - 4 Channels / Delta-Samples 
           |         |     'pMd3' - 8 Channels / Delta-Samples 
      1084 | 4       | Control-Len
      1088 | 4       | Data-Len
      1092 |p*trcks*8| For every pattern:
           |         |    For all tracks:  Control-Offs .l   (C-Offs)
           |         |                        Data-Offs .l   (D-Offs)
 How you can find the other needed addresses:
  1092+p*tracks*8                         --> Control-Bytes  (C-Adr)
  1092+p*tracks*8+Control-Len             --> Data-Longs     (D-Adr)
  1092+p*tracks*8+Control-Len+Data-Len    --> Samples
 (C-Adr)+(C-Offs) --> Address of the Control-Bytes-Start for Track
 (D-Adr)+(D-Offs) --> Address of the Data-Longs-Start for Track
 How the data is encoded:
 The Controlbytes are coded that way:
       ||||||++--- Runlenght
       ++++++----- Data-Offset
 Mask out the upper six Bits and you get how often you have to repeat the
 Data-Long (like for DBRA, that means: 0=One time, 3=Four times!)
 To get the Data-Long just mask out the lower two Bits and add that value to
 the Data-Long-Startadr of the Track you want to depack.
 Track is finished when 64 Longs are depacked.

A  depacked  pattern is absolutely identical to a normal  pattern,  so  you 
don't  have to rewrite your player completely if you really want to use  my 
compressed format.

IV. The Sampleprepacker (PMD3_SPP.PRG)

Well,  this prepacker just creates Deltasamples using a logharitmic  table, 
so that the sample will sound a bit different.
You  can  enter  how many different delta-values will  be  used  to  create 
The  deltas  are  stored as bytes.  That's why it becomes just  a  kind  of 
prepacker,  'coz  the size of a PMD3-Module doesn't get smaller  by  simply 
using the PMD3_SPP.PRG
Just if you use a 'REAL' packer afterwards you can see how the samples  can 
be packed better than without it.

Here's  a little algorithm to show how the deltasample can be converted  to 
eight bit samples again:
                    moveq #0,D0
delta_to_8bit:      add.b (a0),d0       ;a0 points to samplestart
                    move.b d0,(a0)+
                    subq.l #1,d1        ;d1 is the samplelenght
                    bgt.s  delta_to_8bit      

V. Address

  76771 H™RDT
MAUSNET:                 Andreas John@KA
E-MAIL:          [email protected]

CALL .tSCc. WHQ: NIGHTBOX:  +49 (0) 8974995006 (mail to TSCC)