Enlighten by BluFlame [web] & TGGC
Blu-Flame :-: Enlighten code :-: TGGC & xTr1m music :-: xTr1m gfx :-: TGGC & GRAPHICNOISE tools :-: crinkler by Mentor/TBC and Blueberry/Loonies :-: 4klang by Gopher & pOWL of Alcatraz. :-: Shader Minifier by Ctrl-Alt-Test thanks :-: las of Mercury for his big debugging help and testing. :-: Zavie of Ctrl-Alt-Test for building exclusive features into Shader Minifier upon request in no time. greets :-: Approximate, ASD, Brainstorm, Calodox, CNCD, Ctrl+Alt+Test, Conspiracy, Fairlight, Farbrausch, FRequency, Fuzzion, Kakiarts, Haujobb, Loonies, Mercury, Nuance, Panda Cube, RGBA, Speckdrumm, Still, TBC, TBL, Titan, Traction, UF&DD, Youth Uprising :-: atla, BlueCobold, jco, mcdeck, matt|6s, netpoet, pro, rapso, rip, TomasRiker, xardias, anyone else from #gamedev.ger, #sppro and #cpp
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