
Inter Stellar Phenomenon by Sensorium

Inter Stellar Phenomenon - a demo by Sensorium (our first release!!)

	This is Mordred here writing a little infofile.. First of all, this
demo really did only take us about 3 days. It's summer and I have a LOT of
time on my hands these days so there will likely be a few more releases from
us this summer, and hopefully Pyro will churn out some effects too.. :)
(I said "hopefully")

	There's a few bugs which may occur - one is that the demo may quit
suddenly after Vindi's information.. it should show you a picture of a red
dwarf hanging upside down by his ankles over a barrel of goop labelled "Red
Dwarf cleaner.." If it doesn't, mail me at [email protected], and I'll
try to get it straightened out. The problem is that you don't have enough
base memory.. The music routines are by OTM, and if you don't have a soundcard
you cannot watch the demo.. at least I haven't found a way to have it play the
demo without actually having a soundcard.. you might want to try telling your
PC that you have a GUS and give it some unknown port.. If this works, mail me!

	I've still got some more code left (some really trippy and innovative
stuff that you wouldn't believe..) but it didn't fit in with the theme of the
demo.. outer space has been used before (Little Green Men, the final sequence
from Flight) but it was the first thing that came to mind.. I filled this demo
with hidden bad jokes and there's some hidden music in the music.. (oxymoron)
See if you can dig out BWSB and find it! There's a challenge.. The files are
easy to see and they're labelled even.. ask your coder if you can't get into
them.. I haven't used any compression.. 

	Copyright (C) 1996 Nicholas Vining, Nick Alexander, and Ben Malcolm.
All rights are reserved. This demo MAY NOT be distributed on CD-Rom without the author's permission. My E-mail address is above.. this demo cannot be
distributed for profit. 

					- Nicholas Vining (aka "Mordred")
                                          July 8, 1996. 2:38 pm.