what a failure by Ye Olde Laptops Posse [web]
what a failure by Ye Olde Laptops Posse a 4k intro for Tokyo Demo Fest 2012, 13-14.01.2012, Tokyo, Japan PARTYVERSION code, "music": w23 ([email protected]) REQ: OpenGL 2.1 rather 2009-2010'ish video card Windows / OSX / GNU/Linux this is a failure because: - i worked for it for a month and it looks like this - it contains SPH in 4k and it looks like this - it doesn't run on any old laptop (and still looks like it should) - it isn't very fast even on a new one, and has only 4096 particles - on linux it requires glut for video (and is not tested!) - on osx it requires sdl for sound - it has already missed all possible deadlines (even though i spent literally all night tuning it for being at least digestible) - it is getting released, so it's pretty much stuck in this sorry state FOREVER greetings to (in no particular order): Tomohiro nonoil SystemK fsqrt quite Youth Uprising Titan
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