
FOSSFOR by orbitaldecay [web]

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                                               aka "At Least Its An XOR Texture"
                                                                 by orbitaldecay

A remake of FOSFOR by Pirx/ind for SDL/Linux.  Make sure you check out the
original prod (its way cooler).  Contained within are two versions:

128 byte version (64 bit)
Written and tested on 64 bit Fedora 16.  As-is, this will pretty much *only* run
on 64 bit Fedora 16 and its derivatives.  This is because the 64 bit Fedora SDL
library is compiled in such a way that it always loads to the same address, thus
allowing the SDL function addresses to be hard-coded.  If you're on a different
distribution that ships similarly compiled SDL libraries, you can simply
substitute the appropriate function addresses in the code.  Yes, obviously this
is self-compiling.  No escape support :(

500 byte version (32 bit)
This is a cleaner compatability version for everyone else :)  This is an actual
binary (no self-compilation).  Includes escape support.

Thanks to Pirx, tzaeru, Ye Olde Laptops Posse, and everyone else who has
inspired and informed me along the way.

                                                          [email protected]