
Summertime by Mental Design

    ______/                                         _       _     /
    \_____    _  _   __    _____/ ___     \    _____/ _     /    /
	/     / /    /    _____/    /     /    \     /     /    /_____
       /     / /    /    /    /    /     /     /   __     /    /     /
      /     / /    /   _/    /    /     /     /    /     /   _/     /
     /     / /    /         /    /     /     /    /     /          /
     \   _/_/____/ \___    /____/     /_    /____/     /____      /
    ==\  /============ \  /=====\  __/==\  /=====\  __/=====\  __/======
       \/ D E S I G N   \/       \/      \/       \/         \/

				  = PRESENTS =


About The Production

Summertime is a small intro we did because we wanted to release something new
at our meeting. The reason why we released 2 intros at the same day is because
we are so very active (NOT). Well, actually we don't know yet why but I guess
the public will be pleased.


Coding and Design   - Moleql
Music               - Sulphur / Admire (Thank you!)

Mental Design - what is that?

Members of Mental Design are:

FeaR         (Jakob Lindstr”m) - Coding, Organizing (Finland)
Infinity        (Arttu Kataja) - Music              (Finland)
Lumen          (Jussi M„kinen) - Music              (Finland)
Moleql        (Tommy Staffans) - Coding             (Finland)
Wizard      (Tancred Lindholm) - Coding             (Finland)
VectorVoyager (Jonas Eriksson) - Coding             (Sweden)
WhirlWind    (Peter Edsb„cker) - Coding             (Sweden)
Basehead                       - Music              (USA)

Contact us!

We are interested in getting contacts. If You want to contact Mental Design 
because of any reason, may it be business or pleasure, you can contact us by
the following methods:


FeaR / Mental Design 
PL 2 
SF-02701 Kauniainen


Fear: [email protected]     (<-- questions go here)
Moleql: [email protected]
Wizard: [email protected]


Soul Asylum
28.8k v.FC
24h - SysOp: Fear

Dist Sites

Invalid Enviroment    Lemming                     +358-41-666715     Finland
Genius                Jussi Heino       node 1    +358-21-827419     Finland
				        node 2    +358-21-827183

Genesis               McGarret, Darkness,         +32-(0)2-245-3498  Belgium
 		      Void Master, Madflight      4 node ringdown

Fuzzy Logic           Mr. Fanatic                 +31-2521-21926     Holland

Liquid Metal          Chuckie B                   +61-7-812-2324     Australia

PowerGrid             GridRunner & Syntax Error   +1-813-481-6539    U.S.A. 

Antarctica            The Charlatan               +1-519-734-6239    Canada

The Lost Innocence    BigBoy                      +1-416-267-5467    Canada 

Magican               Byte                        +49-(0)4214841163  Germany
The Golden Image      Brian                       +49-(0)60394-6124  Germany

                                                        FeaR - 17.7.1994