Entrance by Sigmatic
This is a documentation for a SIGMATIC DEMO E N T R A N C E =============== Xmas 1995 1. Introduction --------------- Sigmatic Software is proud to present to you it's first demo called ENTRANCE. It is my entrance in the world of PC-DEMOS. I hope you liked it. (If you haven't seen it, let me tell you this: Never read the docs before you've run the program, nobody does!) It is midnight between the 2 days of X-mas and it is snowing! A white X-mas since years in Holland, so I felt in the mood to write a docu for my just finished demo. The demo is a compilation of demo-pieces I made, since I bought my new Pentium 90 last summer. I hadn't made them for a demo, but a friend of mine said that it shouldn't be such a bad idea to make a demo of it. And now it is finished I'm quite proud of it because it is the first time I complete something big. 2. System Requirements ---------------------- Well, you need a Pentium for this demo. It works on any 16-bit or better computer with a copro, but without good speed it is very slow, definately without a GUS. And if you have some troubles with the sound, try deleting SOUND.CFG and run Entrance again. I'm sorry if you do not have a fast machine, but like I said, I didn't really planned to make this for other people's computers. If it worked fine on mine it was OK. A PAS, SB or WSS workes with this demo, but they need software mixing so it slows down the demo, and the first part is really bad. (If you want to see how it's ment to be delete sound.cfg and choose No Sound at the beginning.) 3. Sigmatic Software -------------------- You could say that Sigmatic Software is a Demogroup, but it has only one member, so group is a little to big a word. And it will never be one because I'm called Sigma, and any new members would like to see the name changed. But if you are interested and you are able to program things like this (better would be nice), or you draw PC-Art or write music (also if you don't use a PC for that) you can contact me at my address or use E-mail. The last you can also do if you have to say something else to me. 4. The draughts part -------------------- People familiar with draughts (the 10X10 version of the English game of checkers) may have noticed it was a very short game to fit in a demo. Well, you're right then because it is the shortest known where one party completely knocks of all the opponent's pieces. It is constructed by G. Visscher (member of DamRa Raalte, Holland) in 1984 and stood in the Dutch Guiness for a while. If you are interested and couldn't follow the moves that fast, here they are: 1. 31-27 20-24 8. 35X24 20X47 2. 33-29 24X33 9. 36-31 47X35 3. 38X29 17-22 10. 49-44 35X27 4. 42-38 22X24 11. 48-42 27-36 5. 47-42 15-20 12. 50-44 15-20 6. 39-33 10-15 13. 46-41 36-49 7. 44-39 24-30 14. 45-40 49X35 I've tried to make a computerprogram to find a shorter one, but always had some trouble to make it run correctly. If you want to take a try, go ahead, and send me your results. You can also write me for the rules of the game of draughts. 5. The Credits -------------- At first I really like to thank MIDAS for taking such big effort to make a sound system. Without it this demo wouldn't be so nice. (Run this demo with No Sound: It really sucks!). Further more I'd like to thank Joeri Mulder for giving the idea of making a demo. Other people/companies I'd like to thank are: - Magic Boy of SPiRiT for letting me copy MIDAS SOUND SYSTEM at the 'HCC Dagen' in Utrecht on 25 November 1995 - Borland for Turbo Pascal 7.0 - Future Crew for Scream Tracker 3.2 - The composer of the tune of Deep Space 9, very nice! - Other demogroups for making their demos and making me enthousiastic for making one too. 6. Where to contact Sigmatic Software? -------------------------------------- Well, if you have anything to say, ask or whatever. Write to me, by mail or by E-mail and you'll get an answer. I'm not so busy as the Future Crew are. And hey, if you are able to, it is not that much effort to E-mail me! My E-mail address is: [email protected] You can also write to me to: Sjoerd Visscher Meiberg 8 8111 CC Heeten Holland
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