
Things Change by Proxima

--------------------------------------------------------infofile v.0.001á------

proxima dead you say? guess again.

well, no actually. we are alive. sort of.

and to prove it, we have made something. something quick. something with a real
ugly font. and ugly colors. released the day that doesn't exist; 29th february.

but where do these names come from?
who is oce? who is zapman? who is yitzhaq?
the answer is quite simple. we are new members of proxima. people who have
joined during the last half year. people who have decided to make something.
and release it. even twaddler participated in this project. and stole jaws'
job of coding, since jaws went on vacation.

  and there are creds too;

layout (design just doesn't sound right).......................yitzhaq+twaddler

we have many productions. find them somewhere. one of your local boards has

we also have many dists. no hq's, just dists. if you are one, you should know.
if you're not a sysop, why do you care?

you want some nice greets? everyone has greets. the most boring part of a
production. we had to.

          i forget. so i'll just send a big greet to a certain special person.
          you know who you are.
          everyone else may feel as greeted as they feel like. we don't love
          you all, but atleast some of you.

          and a thanks to dreamer for fixing some nice cards for me. no not
          calling cards. i don't want any warez people contacting neither him
          or me.

  proxima newsflash

   amok joined
   oce joined
   balrog left

  if you feel a sudden urge to contact us, this is how

 amok      -       coder - no email
 calvin    -    musician - [email protected]
 jaws      -       coder - [email protected]
 nique     -    musician - [email protected] (address clearly to nique)
 oce       -    musician - [email protected]
 sticky    -    musician - living a non-social life with no modem
 sunday    -  graphician - [email protected]
 tecon     -    musician - amiga-man
 twaddler  -       coder - through calvin
 yitzhaq   -    sysop&pr - [email protected] or [email protected]
 zapman    -         3ds - [email protected]

noone calls us from mongolia and wants to chat. and noone sends nice letters
anymore. inet is a nice invention.

wow. that even made a nice memberlist. so stop bugging us.

i suppose i should include some kind of nice ad for our whq here somewhere.
but i won't. i won't even mention that the name is countzero. and neither
that the staff is yitzhaq and calvin and +47-5512 2962 and blah.

 commercially inspired boring infofile (c) yitzhaq world ego tour '96


why do i feel like calvin is going to kill me?