
Despite by Defame [web]

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         /-------- -\- -- - 11 JUNE - 13 JUNE 2011  - -- -/- --------\
        '            \                                   /           '
                     /--- - http://www.defame.com.au ---/
                    /                                   \
                   /--- [      Despite by defame    ] ---\
                  '----------------.      .---------------'
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Defame presents our second production called despite made for the rebirth of 
the Australian demoscene at FLASHBACK 2011 in Sydney Australia.              

				Code: Voltage
				Graphics: Reload
				Music: Spot

Our mission is to give the Australian scene the kick up the ass its needed for 
a long time and we endeavor to inspire our fellow sceners and newcomers to 
re-estalish a once exciting scene in Australia. We thank you all for the 
support in making Flashback 2011 a success.

As we have no talented musician in Defame, we thank Spot for 
the awesome tune we used in this demo and we are currently searching for a
talented musician to work on our next productions.

				[email protected]
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                               ^ ascii by ozzy ^

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