
Trask - TRSAC 2010 Invitation by Loonies [web]

Loonies present a Windows 4k intro:

Trask - TRSAC 2010 Invitation

Released and made at Solskogen 2010
(ikke noget med at tyvstarte!)

Blueberry: Code, Tool, Modelling
Psycho: Shaders, Modelling
Booster, Maytz: Music

Autumn time is TRSAC time!
You know what they say: Trask til TRSAC.

We are once again having TRSAC, and entirely in keeping with
the usual way of things, it is in the same location as last 
year: sunny Århus, Venice of the eastern seaboard, shining 
beacon of culture and all-round nice place.

Same as last year, the party is being held in the third weekend
of October, which is to say the 22nd to 24th.

If you have any queries, contact us at [email protected]. We had
a blast last time, so please - join us for some party fun once
again, at the most bestest and most friendliest chilled-out 
party that used to uses ducks for prizes! 

Read more at www.trsac.dk