_gmo by GriV
Nick/Realname: GriV Group: Full name of work: "GMO - Coffee" converted 2 1bit sound with VBR-mode ("GMO - Coffee" ª®¢¥àç¥ ï ¢ 1-¡¨âë© §¢ãª ¢ VBR-०¨¬¥) Compo: Wild Requirements: any 3.5MHz M1-machine [M1 - for accuracy only] with any memory size, but 1MB recommended («î¡ ïî3,5æ 1-¬ è¨ [1 - ⮫쪮 ¤«ï â®ç®£® §¢ãç ¨ï] á «î¡ë¬ à §¬¥à®¬ ¯ ¬ïâ¨, ® 1 ४®¬¥¤ã¥âáï) Duration (minutes): 40 sec (40 ᥪã¤) Contacts: [email protected]
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