
Season Greetings '94 by The Apollo Project

1. Legal Notice

	The Apollo Project is not responsible in any way for incidental
        damage or loss that may occur from use of this software.

        Use at YOUR OWN RISK.

        Running this program indicates acceptance of these terms.

2: Who we are.

          The Apollo Project is a demo conglomerate consisting of
    multiple demo groups and independent persons.

         All our demos are freeware.  This means that you can copy and
    distribute them freely as long as you make no modifications to them.
    Also, no money can be charged for copying them.  If you are a
    PD distributor, please contact us before including our products in your
    collection.  In general, all commercial - showing, distributing, selling,
    or any other utilization of our products without our express written
    permission is strictly forbidden.  This includes, but is not limited to,
    selling disks containing our products.  See the contact information below
    for obtaining said permission.

3: How to contact the Apollo Project.

     You can contact The Apollo Project at the following e-mail addresses:

          [email protected], [email protected].

     You can reach us via World Wide Web at this site:


     You can mail things to:

         The Apollo Project c/o Chris Didamo
         1410 Cascio Drive
         Bellevue, Ne 68005-2317

     You can fax things to:


4: Our current member list.

     The following is a list of our current members:

        Scott Demming        aka Sad        - Code
        Chris Didamo         aka Marauder   - Org - Testing - Code
        Larry Doran          aka Wyvern     - Music - Design
        Charles Jones        aka Kodiak     - Code - design
        Jim Leonard          aka Trixter    - Design - Testing - Code
        Darius Makaitus                     - Music
        John McCarthy        aka Flynn      - Code - 3DVECT - Music System
        Tom McGuire          aka Shutter    - graphics
        John Niespodzianski  aka Mhoram     - Music
        Jason Shiffer        aka ScareCrow  - Code - Graphics
        Mike Sutter          aka Freejack   - Code - Music System
        Sunny Walker         aka Rhys       - Code - Design - Graphic
        Zak Worthington                     - Graphics
        Sam Yancy            aka Doc        - Music

5:  General Comments:

         This demo was coded entirely in protected mode assembly using
     TRAN's pmode header.  We are always looking for new members.
     If you think you have what it takes to join The Apollo Project, send
     us some samples of your wares.  We are currently short on TRUE graphic
     artists and MUSICIANS.  Coders always think they are graphic artists
     and musicians, but we all know better.

6: What this demo requires.

     We recommend the following hardware to run this demo.

        486dx33 or better processor.
        4 meg of memory.
        Gravis Ultrasound

     The following is required to run this demo.

        At least a 386 computer with vga and 2 meg of memory.

     *** NOTE: We have included sound blaster compatibility
               for those with sound blasters.  We did NOT
               optimize the demo for the sound blaster, so
               it will look jerky in certain spots, this is
               due to the SB overhead.  On a GUS this demo
               runs fine.  We are considering cleaning up
               the SB routines to make future demos more
               enjoyable to SB viewers, we won't guarentee
               it though. However, the SB option will always
               be available.

7: Demo Specific

   This demo offers 3 command line options when using a soundcard.
        1. "t","T" selects a remix of the music
        2. "f" jumps straight to the fireplace scene, original music
        3. "F" same as above, but playing the remixed music

     (Note: Options 2 and 3 only quit when ESC key is pressed)