
Bad Scene Poets Are Back by ate bit [web]

. _ ______ _________________________________________ ______ ______________ :
:__(     (__ ________________  _______ ___________  /\    /  _______________
/\      __  \\    ___ ____   \/ ___   \\   ____   \ \ \  / /\\    ___  ____/
\ \_   /_\   \____\_/  \_/\___\ \__\___\    \_/\   \ \ \/ /  \____\_/  \__/.
 \/_\  \\_\   \___//    \\/___/  \_/___/     \\_\  /_ \/ /    \ __//    \  :
 /        _    \  /      \ /      ___/\ \_    ____   \  /      \  /      \ .
/_         \    \/_       \ _      \_\//  \    \__\   \/_       \/_       \.
/\ _        \____\\________\\______________/___________\\________\\________\
\ \\_________\ __/\________/\_____________/\___________/\________/\________/
.\/ _________/!ne7 --------------------------------------------------------.
`......  ....                                                   ....  .....'
     :  .:   '                                                 `   :.  :
    ::   :: p r e s e n t s :  BAD SCENE POETS ARE BACK (final)   ::   ::
  ::    :                                                           :    ::
   :     .  c o d e : 4mat                                         .     :
    :  ..'                                                         `..  :
     :'     g r a p h i c s : 4mat (yes, we're looking for artists)   :'
_______                                                              _______
      /\    m u s i c : 4mat                                        /\
     /  \                                                          /  \
    /    \  m i s c  i n f o : C64 demo, 7th at Sundown 2009      /    \
   / ____/_                                                      _\____ \
  / /     /\ 25% party version released at Sundown, this final  /\     \ \
_/ /     / / released a week later, sorry for delay.  It hasn't \ \     \ \_
  /     / /  been tested on hardware, I don't even have hardware \ \     \
 /     / /   these days.  If it works: great, if it doesn't then  \ \     \
/_____/ /    thumb me down: simple.  Of course if you don't like   \ \_____\
______\/     it thumb me down too, no worries.  2nd part takes a    ________
       /\    little while to decrunch, be patient.  Thanks.        /\
      /  \                                                        /  \
     /    \  Tools used: c64asm, exomizer, goattracker, vice     /    \
    /      \             irfanview, atebit 'ganymede' toolchain /      \
   /       /                                                    \       \
__/       /        Some font sources courtesy of dafont          \       \__
            ___  ___  ___                                          
---------- |   ||   ||   | ------ mEMBERLiST -------------------------------
       ___  ___  ___  ___  ___    mofobaru                                
      |   ||   ||   ||   ||   |                                        
      |___||___||___||___||___|   evilpaul                             
       ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        
      |   ||   ||   ||   ||   |       4mat  
----- |___||___||___||___||___| -                                      -----
______                                                                ______
_____/\                                                              /\_____
     \ \    g r e e t s (apologies if I missed anyone, in a rush)   / /
      \ \                                                          / /
       \ \    crest.wrath designs.booze.triad.fairlight.mfx.orb   / /
________\/                                                        \/________
________      mermaid.minusbaby.nullsleep.boomtopper.hexahoney      ________
       /\                                                          /\
      /  \    aleksi eeben.ne7.dalezy.jeriaska.aki_obi.tmr.rc55   /  \
     /   /                                                        \   \
    /   /     neoneye.shape.xerxes.glomag.gasman.malodix.gwEm      \   \
   / ______                                                      ______ \
  / /     /\  j arthur keenes.keops.iokay.rez.kenet.ultra.xylo  /\     \ \
 / /     / /                                                    \ \     \ \
/ /_____/ /   dauragon.y_kawamoto.el mobo.paris graphics.random  \ \_____\ \
  \_____\/                                                        \/_____/
\/            little scale.8bitpeoples.8bc.true chip till death           \/
______                                                                ______
      \       musicthatilike.fashionologie.good.exotica.goto80.ps    /
       \                                                            /
        \     shadowplay.latfh.lbs.arrestedmotion.brokentv.antti   /
_________\                                                        /_________
         /    rockpapershotgun.why that's delightful.the quietus  \
        /                                                          \
_______/               Visit us online at atebit.org                \_______

             4mat music: http://8bitcollective.com/members/4mat/
                twitter: http://twitter.com/4mat_scenemusic
                  email: [email protected]
-------------------------------------------------------------[ nFO by !ne7 ]