
Graindowars by adinpsz [web]

          ____   /\   ./_/.    ___   _/\
         /    \  \ \  ______  / __) /.  \___
         \__.  >__\ \/ /\ . \/ /_.\/ \__/   \
         / _  / _.  / / // ./ / __/\__ \__  /
         \___/\___/\\_>//\_  /| /  /  \.\/ /__
                   / \/ \  \/ / \  \__  /   ./
                   \_/\_/     \_/     \/\___/ --> adinpsz

 (\__/  <----------. az-00.001 : Graindowars ---------->

A tiny game for the #demofr fast-game compo (11.05.09)
by #ponce

Probably requires Windows XP. Should also work on DOSBox.


The rules of the fast-compo was to create a < 16k game in 4 hours. 
It turned to be a 5-hours 1.2k shmup ; and when it was over, 
everybody was sleeping.

Source included (assembly).

Keys : SPACE for new game and shoot
       ARROWS for moving


[email protected]