Tron preview by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation [web]
. .. .from 1990 to 2009 and bEYOND ... . __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ) /____ ) ___/______) __/______) __/______ / _____/___/___________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / \________________(_________________(_________________(_____________ltk_( . tHE sIRIUS cYBERNET!CS cORPORATION . ..:.. ..:.. .::.. . nO pROM!SES nO dEMANDS . ..::. .::::. .::::. .:::. .:::. .::::.. [ TRON preview & sources ] ..::::. .:::. .:::. .::. .::. .:::. .:::. ..::: System requirements: FALCON030 :::.. .:::.. ..:::. .:::::. .:::::. .:::. code: DYNACORE .:::. ..:::' ':::.. ..::: add. code: SCY :::.. .::: :::. ::: graphics: AGENT -T-/CREAM ::: :. .: . . .::::. .::::. .:::. Finally I thought we should .:::. .::::.. release this. This game ..::::. .:::. was started in 1994/95 .:::. .::. and was planned to be .::. .:::. the follow-up to our game .:::. ..::: Dynabusters. Tron for up to :::.. .:::.. six players. Unfortunatly all ..:::. ::: development was stopped. ::: :. .: . !Happy new year 2009! .
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