
Chainz by Paradize [web]

L				       L
L     ChainZ ...	  	       L
L		  ...by Paradize '08   L
L				       L
L      http://paradize.atari.org       L
L				       L

System Requirements :

   > Falcon 030/Hatari
   > 4 Megs of Ram
   > VGA Screen

Loading advices :
   > disable NVDI
   > on 4 Megs machines, launch with  a  
     boot as clean as possible.
   > launch if possible in 640x480x256c
     It will work in other resolutions,
     but  some  graphical glitches  may 
To make it work in Hatari :

Hatari doesn't emulate (yet ?) the DSP,
which is used by the music replayer,but 
you  can enjoy  Chainz  anyway  . After 
having launch the game , press Space on
the  white  screen. If the manipulation
succeeded, the screen will turn in red,
and the music will be disabled.This tip
also works on a basic F030 of course!

Credits :

First of all, a BIG thanks to Guido who
gave me  his  Falcon, and  without whom 
this game  wouldn't have seen the light 
of the day... Really big thanks again!!

Resolution settings...........Shadow232
DSP Replayer..............Dumbo/Big Noz
Gfx...................Ripped on the web
Help/Moral Support......Simon Sunnyboy

This is my first finished game on F030,
sorry for the lack of polishing, but it
was the opportunity to test my new tool
to manipulate 640x480x256c pics. Expect
some more stuff from me on F030 later !

Rules :

This  game is  inspired by a  game  by 
Andrea Gilbert (clickmaze.com).

You must  clear the  grid by  crossing 
off the tiles one by one.The white dot
indicates your current position, click
on grid to move . At each turn you can
travel horizontally or  vertically any
distance . But  the  next symbol  must 
match  the  current symbol  either  in 
shape or color. There are 22 levels to
clear, so... Good luck ! 

There  are no  saving  options as  the 
levels are kinda easy to solve :)

Finally, press F10 to quit the game !

Contact :

As usual, feedback is welcome !
Homepage : paradize.atari.org
Mail : [email protected]
Snail mail :

    HETTINGER Nicolas
    94 Rue Charles Gerome
Greetings/Hellos :
To the usual suspects :)     
Active on the plateform, or lovers of      

And a usual and special hello to  my 
alltime supporter,my dear Dayzynne:)

Now you can stop to read this and go
playing this little game !