
We'll See You Soon by T-Rex [web] & SandS [web]

                    W e ' l l   S e e   Y o u   S o o n
                           paradox 2k invitation

     design, music : Manwe / SandS   ( [email protected] )
     programming   : Warhawk / T-rex ( [email protected] )
   minimum requirements:
     - DirectX 6.0+
     - Pentium-200mmx ( code optimized for mmx )
     - 32mb ( if you've got only 16mb be prepared for heavy swapping )

   there are some command line params:

    "-windowed" - switch you to the windowed mode ( btw, you can do it
                  during demo by alt-enter )
    "-slow"     - for slow computers

   thanks to Tangerine, Tarh, Prog, Frown, Pavel Karmanov for help.
   check greets in demo, btw if you are a monster of russian demoscene
   and you didn't found your name in greets part, just run demo again:
   there are 25 persons in greets list, but only 16 of them showing on
   screen randomly.

   T-rex                      www.pdx2k.org                      SandS