99er by Evoflash [web]
. ____________ .______ :_________________ ....... \ / : \. _______: / ....... : : \_ ____/___. | |/ | ._ _/ : : :: : | |____| | | |/ | : :: :::...:...| _______| | | | | |...:...::: : | . | . | . | : : | | | . | : : |___ |___ |___ . | : . /_____:_______| /____________/ /________:__| . _______:____________: __________ . ________ :______:_________ \ / | ._/ \_:_/ / | | / \_ ____/___. | : . | ____/_____: | _/ | | |______. | | | | | ._______| / | ! |______ | _ | | | . | _ | / | / | | | | | | . | / | |___ |___ |___ | |___ |___/ | bHe/______| /___________| /___|_______| /___________| /__________| . . : In their third year of bloom : | | | | | : :: ::: E V O F L A S H ::: :: : | | | | | | presents | ! | : | . ...:... . 99er / Flash . ...:... . | . | : ! -+- entry to the real wild compo at asm08 -+- | . | : | | credits : | . | Jalava .................... code | | jac ....................... code | | Parker .................... code | | minomus .................. music | | bOhEmE ..................... gfx | | | : | . Note: This production runs best on Flash Player 10 | . but also works pretty well on latest Flash Player 9 | | | | | | Ps. Silverlight still sucks | | | . ...|....... .......|... . | : ::. evo.bombsquad.org .:: : | | : . . : | |______:_________:____________.:.____________:_________:______| . : ::|_________: .:::::. :_________|:: : . : :: ::::|__________:_____:__________|:::: :: : . : : . :.....:
[ back to the prod ]