The Her collection by Paradox
_ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ ___ / _ _ __ ___________ ________ \ ________ \ ____._______\/ _/ _________ __ _ __\ _ / _ \_\ _ / _ \_\ | _ / \_ | / _/ / \ _/ _/ / \ _ | / _/ /\ _ __ _________ | _//_____// \_ \_____// \ |___//____\_ _________ __ _ |___| /____\\_/ \_____|D!/ \\_ : __ __ _ presents _ _ /\_\ _______________________________________________________________ _ \/_/ The Her Collection _ ______________________________________________________________________ _ . : cOMPANY : Paradox | rELEASE DATE : 11-10-2001 sYSTEM : Win32 | sIZE : one small ZIP tYPE : MusicDisk | vIDEO MODE : Direct-X . _ ______________________________________________________________________ _ wANNA jOIN tHE eLITE ? - rEAD bELOW _ ______________________________________________________________________ _ __ _ nOTES .... /_/\\\__ __ _ \_\/ For all the fans of good old chiptunes, for the ones who still love the typical SID sounds, for the ones who remember the good old days when the scene was fun and not overrun by l33ch3rs and other useless scumbags thinking that an Internet account makes them being l33t sceners Paradox proudly presents: -=> the HER-collection <=- containing all 10 so far released modules out of the "Her"-series tracked by Estrayk, containing artwork by Alien and last but not least brought into .exe format by the coding machine Zweifeld. This collection has been tested on all kind of animals, ah politicans, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. It was not tested on Miele Microwave ovens and washing machines. Remember, Bill Gates and Zweifeld will love you if you have DirectX ( installed, otherwise this art of noise won't run. /Pha-Q _ _ _____________________________________________________________ \__ ___ _ \/ \ wANNA bECOME pART oF tHE wORLDS mOST fAMOUS cONSOLE gROUP ? wE aRE lOOKING fOR tALENTED pEOPLE tO jOIN oUR rANKS.. ******* iF yOU cAN hELP iN aNY oF tHE fOLLOWING aREAS *ONLY!* ******* tHEN pLEASE fEEL fREE tO cONTACT uS ! wE aRE lOOKING sUPPLIERS oF: uNRELEASED pS1/pS2/dC/gBA gAMES dECENT hARDWARE pS2 cRACKERS/cODERS (WWW mONGS nEEDENT bOTHER!) fAST sHELLS oR pEEPS tHAT wORK fOR a sOFTWARE OR hARDWARE: dEVELOPER dISTRIBUTER pUBLISHER mAGAZINE cOMPUTER sHOP (eSP EB/cOMPUSA iN tHE USA) oR iF yOU kNOW pEEPS wORKING fOR sUCH a cOMPANY bUT *nO* cOURIERS/sITES pLEASE iF yOU cAN hELP mAIL uS aT : [email protected] _ ___________________________________________________________________ _ gREETS ... HS - STATiC - CAPITAL - OLDSKOOL - HAUJOBB - ZENiTH LIGHTFORCE - EURASiA - TRSI - MYTH PC - DUAL CREW SHINING MUPS - DEXTROSE - ACCESSION - DEViANCE - PERVERSiON ALPHA FLIGHT 1970 - PAIN MAGAZINE - CRACKTRO.DE _ ___________________________________________________________________ _ GET YOUR PS2 MODCHIPS FROM PLAYSTATIONMODS.COM - THE HOME OF THE NEO MODCHIP _ _________________________________________________________________________ _ _ __ __ _ . _ __\\\/ mEET uS oN eFNET #pdxconsole \///__ __ _ : : oR wWW.pARADOGS.cOM . | : | . | |_ . : : : . _| )_____________________ . : ¦ ¦ ¦ : . _____________________( _ _: ¦ | | | ¦ :_ _ \\\/ | | | | | \/// | | | | | | | ------------------. ¯\__|___| | |___|__/¯ nFO bY H2o/AL! | . ¯\___|___/¯ . pDX by dESERT/D! | ___| | o - -- ---------------´ \ ,/ __ | + \/| · : \/ | ¦ o | _ _|_ _ | : + | __ | | · ¦ | \/ : |_ _ : | + \/// |_ ·H2o!· _| : )_____________( :
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