============================================================ 8888888888 d8b 888 Y8P 888 8888888 888 88888b. .d88b. .d88b. 888d888 .d8888b 888 888 888 "88b d88P"88b d8P Y8b 888P" 88K 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 888 "Y8888b. 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 Y8b. 888 X88 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 "Y8888 888 88888P' 888 Y8b d88P Version 0.4 BETA "Y88P" Test your fingers ============================================================ REQUIREMENTS: First, this is an unfinished project. It was developed under extreme time-preasure, and still i used new stuff. Although, it seems to work as supposed. I have done a series of tests to ensure this, but I cannot guarantee anything. It has been tested under different computers, and from those test I gather that the requirements are as following: - Windows XP - At least 700 MHz - At least 32 MB free RAM - Basic OpenGL - Basic soundcard - A keyboard I have tested the application with Windows Vista, but I couldnt get it running. I tested both with and without compatability mode set to Windows XP SP2. The game has not been tested on any 64bit operating system. ============================================================ HOW TO PLAY: Type the words that appear, before they reach the edge of the screen. If it does, you'll loose. The yellow word is the current word. To advance to the next word, press [SPACE]. Green indicates a correct letter, red indicates an erronous one. Backspace is allowed, but will result in a small penalty. An error will not lead to game-over. While easy is easy, you cannot achieve very high scores. Normal gets 2x the score, hard gets 3x and insane 4x. Also, the length of the word adds alot of value. The fevermeter multiplies the score with the current fever level. From 1x up to 16x! Note that errors will decrease the fever. The number above a word shows how much the score will increase or decrease. The blue number that appears in-game tells you the speed had been increased. The orange number is the fever level. How score is calculated: WordPoints = (correct * 10 - wrong * 7 - empty * 5) * length After this, the score is increased as follows: Score += WordPoints * speed * difficulty * feverlevel ============================================================ KNOWN ISSUES: I've tried to isolate and eliminate all issued, but for some there hasn't been time, or the change is not worth it. I guess it wont change for the future. 1. Textures that are not square and power of two. If this is not available, some textures (like the background) won't display properly. 2. Somewhat uneven gameplay. I didn't have the time to finetune the settings. ============================================================ SOURCE CODE: Usually, i give away the source along with the programs I write (learning purposes only). But since the sources for this game are written in such a fashion that you will only learn bad habits from it, I chose to not make it public. No big loss, really :) ============================================================ MUSIC: Menu: DJ Rodolph - In Focus Game: Machinae Supremacy - Cryosleep ============================================================ THANKS TO: Erik - For the dictionaries! (Insane will be added later) -- Fredrik Asgard aka Unleeb of GeekForce
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