
Giana Sisters 32k

   _________ _____   __________   ______ :__:___________
  /        /(_____)  \_ \____  \  |     \|  _/\_ \____  \
_/   |____/ /     \    /  __/   \_|   \  \  |   /  __/   \_       þ32kþ
\    |    \ |      \_ /   \_     /|    \    |  /   \_     /    released at
 \_________\|       / \___/ ____/ |    |\___|  \___/ ____/ Mekka/Symposium'98
            :______/              |____|
 _________  _____    _________     ____     _______ ________    _________
/ _______/ (_____)  / _______/ ___|    |_  /  ____/  \_____ \_ / _______/
\_____   \_/     \  \_____   \_\__  ____/_/  __>/\    / __/  /_\_____   \_
\    |    /|      \_\    |    /   |   |  \__ | /  \ _/  \     /\    |    /
 \_______/ |       / \_______/    |   |     \______\|____\   /  \_______/
           :______/               |   |                   \:/
                                  |___|                    :

1) Credits:
   - All Coding done by MYTH
   - Graphics pixeled and enhanced by KYP
   - The ingame-music I (sky-levels) was originally made by KB (xm-format)
     and has been ported to AMUSIC by MYTH
   - All other music has been made by DeeJay99
   - Levels have been created by
     DeeJay99, Kyp, Myth, Obscure, Shine, Sonic and XFact0r.

2) Legal stuff:
   - This game is FREEWARE
   - We are not responsible for any damage this game may bring to your
     hardware equipment, including your brain.
   - Use this game at your own risk.
   - You can always put this game on any CD or mass storage item if you
     want to. If you press a public CD I'd rather be happy if you'd
     send me an email (this keeps me motivated in producing
     more stuff like this) to: [email protected]

3) Notes about the release:
   - The music routine used in this game had been created by $$$
     and was coded by Conquerer. I modified his format to achive a
     better compression-rate.
   - The game has been developed using Borland Pascal 7.0 (I modified the
     compiled .exe to achive a better compression rate) and TASM 4.1.

4) F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions:
   - Why can't giana morph to the Lady with the stormy hairstyle?
     Morphing to the other giana means we would need several more sprites
     (and with that more data), thus the other giana is able to crumble
     wall-stones and, if further advanced, she is able to fire.
     Implementing all those features requires more than the allowed
     32k space. I thought you may find it funny to play more fancy levels
     instead of only one with all features.
   - Why adlib-music?
     Adlib music is memspace-friendly. The title music, for instance, only
     needs about 300 Byte. The ingame music (skylevel) needs about 1.1kbyte.
     Mod-Music requires unacceptable more data. Even think of the replayer.
   - How much memory does one level require?
     The exact unpacked size is 10129 bytes. At it's final packed state
     a huge, fancy level requires about 1.2-1.7kbyte.
   - How did you create those levels?
     With an own level-editor, of course. It has lots of features and
     makes creating levels easy. If you want to create an own level you
     may contact me for the editor.

5) Contact address:
   - You can always contact me (the coder) if you want to:

   Rainer Sinsch
   Kiefernweg 8
   61184 Karben
   Email: [email protected]

   +49-6039-95934 (28k8)
   +49-6039-95935 (ISDN)

6) Greetings:
   - must go to

     Assign, Obscure, red_13, Yoda, Trojan, RIK, TU and Xymbiont.