Into the Fight by optimus
Michael Kargas aka Optimus/Dirty Minds/the Lab presents the Final version of his 2nd pure Qbasic Demo attended Toshi's Introcompo and gained the 3rd place Into The Fight 21/04/2001 I was first working on this demo for a compo called Qlympics2001. But something wrong happened with Qlympics! (Where the hell are they??? Did the organizer forgot them?) So I decided to take part with my entry in Toshi's compo.. This demo features 320*160 fire (Perhaps the fastest and bigest in pure Qbasic!), 320*200 rotozoomer, 320*100 feedback fx, some cool transparent&translucent plasmas a Surprise Intro & few more stuff. No music unfortunatelly.. For full frame rate performance better need some Pentium2. Simple Pentiums should work good too. (Especially if you desable the Vsync in some critical parts..) It's coded in pure Qbasic. My code is messy, don't read it :P * What more does the Final Version feautures? - Fixed some minor bugs and other stuff.. (But there are still minor things I am bored to repair,. so I end here ;) - With ESC you quit entirely the demo. With SPACE you move to the next part. - The final effect which I call transparent plasmas have also a rotozoomer inside (In the compo version there was a problem to put this rotozoomer too, because of memory, but I finally succeeded here..) - There is an electronic Note attached to it!!! It was kinda unrealistic (What the hell big amount of text I was writting on it?!) and kinda unergonomic (Big fonts for 320*200, you wait very much until the next page bounces up and down, if you want to move 10 pages after, it's boring,.. at least I have included keys 1-10 to help you.. You will see what I mean if you run the note and read the help, the first one that appears in your screen..) * About the Greetings in the Note Because the greetings section of the note are too many and 426 pages ((!)--> Ok,. it's 16*16 fonts in 320*200 that's why,. but still too large amount of text for a note... but that's me :) people will be bored to scroll in order to find their own greeting,. and to scroll it's page you wait, very antiergonomic,. so I will write just: Greets: ------- ==> To Qbasic People (You are the first on the Greets section. Scroll normally from there and you will find em!) ==> To Friends of Mine (Always beeing in the Greets section, press 2 and then scroll to page 55 (just 8 pages :)) ==> To Greek PC Sceners (Press 4 and scroll to 158, 16 pages ahead) ==> To CPC sceners (Press 5 and scroll 9 pages until page 198) ==> To PC, C64 and more groups and sceners (Press 6 and scroll to 259, sorry :) ==> The Ladies (Press 7. You are there! Very gently for the ladies =) ==> To PC Master Forum people (Press 8. Right on target!) There must be more random greets hidden there, but these are the most important greet sections... As for the "Press 8" and "scrool to 231" thing, you will understand when you run the note and read the HELP Section which is very small, only 7 pages with big letters... More Facts about this demo are on You may find there also a ZIP with many effects of mine which I didn't catched up to use in my demo, or many irrelevant things, various things.. CU Michael Kargas aka Optimus/Dirty Minds/the Lab [email protected] P.S.1 Ohh.. the files Itfdemo.txt = This info file Itfdemo.bas = The source Itfdemo.exe = The demo Itfnote.exe = The Electronic Note Fastnote.exe = A diferrent (buggy) version of the note,. not to be bored with toing-toing Itfnote.bas = It's source Elitext1.dat = Some damn text used in this demo.. Itfnote.dat = More damn amount of text used in the note.. Fonts16a.fnt = The Kewl Fonts! Draculin.spr = A 320*100 gfx used for the rotozoomer Draculin.pal = It's pal Optimus.pal = Optimus face pal Optimus0.spr = Optimus pic (Damn,. it's from my 0stdemo! The Poor Freak strikes back!!! It's very lame. Better see my photo on my Ojuice handle sheet, although that looks crazy or silly, anyway.. I am always afraid if I am looking good on phots :P) Of course the Executable and the multiple files must be in the same directory in order to run.
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